Part 39

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Jungkook's POV

I screwed up.

By now, I'm just waiting for Dispatch to post on Instagram, the title going something in the lines of:

Jeon Jungkook messes up as big as his cock is.

Since I don't consider my dick being small, you should know I'm not joking, not at all. I'm screwed big time.

I'm sweating in my oversized grey sweatpants, I smell like Jimin's room after he eats too much pepperoni pizza, and there's a strange ringing in my ears.

Or that's just Hoseok screaming.

"Okay, guys. Guys," Jimin yells for the nth time in the past hour, fisting his hair while trying to shut my loud best friend down.

"Calm down, would ya? This is no time for panic, seriously."

Hoseok nods the best he can but bursts into howling when Yoongi makes a small noise while stepping into the room, eyes exhausted and drowsy, as expected since it's 1 fucking AM.

"What's happening? Jimin, why aren't you in be- Ah!" he jumps back, wide awake and pissed in an instance, "What the fuck, Seok, stop yelling."

"Yoongi, oh god, help! We're thoroughly cooked!"

"Remember how I told you there are a time and a place when we should interact?"


"Now's not the time. I'm starting to wonder if there'll ever be."

He pulls the hood of his jumper over his head, messing his hair and sending my dumb brother into overdrive just like that, his icy black eyes focusing on me as if I'm the only reliable source in the room.

"What's up? And why's Jimin in Hoseok's room?"

He doesn't ask why I'm here, and neither does he about the fact Hobi's wearing an oversized T-shirt and nothing else, but he doesn't need to. Lately, he seems to be worried only about one thing.

I don't like it one bit but neither does he, so we're good.

Even so, I answer the part of the question I like.

"I needed to use the restroom-"

"In Hoseok's room?"

"Tae's sleeping and I need to poop."

Jimin scrunches his nose: "Ew."

Yoongi's eyes falter just for a millisecond, not without me noticing it, but it's short so I guess not that important. He's staring at me again, expecting an answer.

"So I took my phone out, ready to log into Tik Tok but it got knocked out of my hand and-"


I swear the house shakes as his screams are heard again, certainly waking up my Tae that's sleeping peacefully, like an angel, on our bed. God, I should be there. Damn you, digestion.

"This better be worth losing sleep over, or I swear to Satan... Who? Who flew over your head?"

"A fucking raccoon!"

If Yoongi ever gave flying fucks they certainly flew away the second Hoseok tells him the reason we're gathered, his eyes closed for a short second before he grabs Jimin's hand and heads out.

"You two are lunatics. We're going back to sleep."

"N- Please!" I say quickly and luckily Jimin stops in his tracks, giving his 'boyfriend' an intense look, pulling his hand away, "I need that phone."

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