Part 35

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Getting boba tea and telling all of my worries to my friends has always been the favorite thing I could ever do, whether it be a cold January or the dripping heat of August.

Jimin always listens to everything I say, innocently believing every word, and Jin, well, Jin's a bit judgy and just a bit picky about the things he wants to hear, but when I get him to sit down and shut up for a second, he has the best advice I could ever receive.

As much as I joke about it they are the best thing that has ever happened to me.

Well, after that one time someone accidentally dropped a plate full of spaghetti on my ex's head.


"So, what do you guys wanna do next?" I ask cheerfully, watching as Jin slurps from his glittering-fairy-poop-looking smoothie and Jimin raises his nose from the book he's reading.

We're just getting comfortable on the big neon pink sofa (in Yoongi's and Jimin's camp house), having just finished another sappy movie Jin chose.

I'm praying in my head he doesn't suggest another.

But then again his ideas are much better than some whale-fucking documentaries Jimin would definitely pick.

Let's just hope they feel generous enough to let me chose.

Jin pipes up: "We should invite Hoseok to join! Trust me, he's a great listener, and has quite a taste for movies."

I roll my eyes simultaneously with Jimin, who, like me, still hasn't come to terms with the 2Seok blooming friendship or should I say, disgusting bromance.

"You really shouldn't-"


"Aaaand he's here," Jimin mumbles, going straight back to his book.

"Hoseok," Jin says cheerfully.

"Hoseok," I say much less cheerfully.

Jin glares at me accusingly before tackling his newly found friend in a bone-crushing hug, completely ignoring the fact the older's drinking a beer casually.

I raise my eyebrows: "You're drinking? I thought we agreed on staying sober until the end of the summer."

"What? Jungkook hasn't fucked you loose enough today?" he snickers back, taking an unnecessarily long swig of his alcoholic drink.

I grit my teeth at his remark.

"You evil-"

"You guys should really chillax," he continues carelessly as if I'm not fuming with anger, "Have fun like the cool kids one time."

I'm cool.

I'm super cool.

I should inform you that I sometimes eat ice-cream before lunch. Is that cool enough for you, Hoesuck?

"Yeah? How?" Jin leans forward in interest and even Jimin raises his eyes from the book, blinking in confusion.

He just INSULTED US, hello?! Where's the sass?

Hoseok smirks, his big evil face becoming another dark grimace that sends nightmares in my dreamland.

"Get drunk with us. Just once, so you know how it feels like."

I can't believe Jin actually agreed to it until we're seated comfortably around the campfire and I'm placed between Jimin and Jungkook, all the others on the other side of the soft heat, and I'm gulping down an excessive amount of expensive liquid.

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