Chapter 5: Theoden

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The night was barred with long clouds, fleeting on a chill wind, when they arose again. Under the cold moon they went on once more, as swift as by the light of day. It was in the first hours of the day that they reached a hill and at top of it, they saw a town. They halted for a moment.

"Edoras and the Golden Hall of Meduseld." Said Gandalf. "There dwells Theoden, King of Rohan whose mind is overthrown. Saruman's hold over King Theoden is now very strong."

Niphredil looked at Edoras. She could feel the waves of despair and sadness raising from the village.

"This city is sick." She said quietly. Gandalf nodded. "they are in a hard time. Hurry. We must go. Niphredil, it's better if you put on your hood." Said Gandalf and wrapped himself again in his old tattered cloak, and led the way.

Finally, they reached the gates. Before they passed them, Gandalf brought Shadowfax to halt. "Be careful what you say. Do not look for welcome here." Said Gandalf quietly. They all nodded and then passed the gates and entered the town and rode toward the golden halls at the top.

Niphredil gazed around her. a few people were out and all of them looked miserable. They were looking at the newcomers with different expressions. Some were indifferent, they didn't have any hope left in them. Some looked at them with suspicious, they were afraid they had come there for another evil purpose. But a few were looking at them with hope that maybe these newcomers could help them to pass this horrible time.

"You'll find more cheer in a graveyard." Said Gimli uneasy. They reached the row of stairs that led to the halls. They dismounted and climbed the stairs and there, they encounter the guards of the halls. "Hail, comers from afar!" they said, and they turned the hilts of their swords towards the travelers in token of peace. Green gems flashed in the sunlight. The doors opened and a man came out. He looked at them for a second. He stepped forward and spoke in the Common Speech.

"I am the Doorward of Théoden," he said. "Háma is my name. I cannot allow you before Theoden King so armed, Gandalf Greyhame. By order of ..." the man paused for a second and said the next words with bitterness. "Grima Wormtongue."

They all started to took off their weapons and handed them over to the guards. When they were done, Gandalf stepped forward and smiled warmly at Hama. Hama sighed. "Your staff." He said.

"You would not part an old man from his walking stick." Groaned Gandalf. Niphredil hardly hid her smile. Legolas went and stood at Gandalf's side and offered him his arm. Hama hesitated for a moment but then opened the way. When Niphredil was about to pass, Hama came and stood in front of her.

"I'm sorry, ..... my lady. I have explicit order to not let you in." said Hama.

Aragorn came forth. "this is rude. Where is your Hospitality traditions?" he said Angrily.

Legolas and Gimli turned to come and argue but Niphredil stopped them with her hand.

"I would do as the master of the house bade me, were this only a woodman's cot. Go, I will stay outside, waiting for you." Said Niphredil and stepped back.

"Niphredil." Legolas began to object, but Niphredil cut him. "Go, my Lord. Gandalf needs you." She said. Legolas looked at her. Niphredil stared at Gandalf. "it's alright. you need to go, Gandalf. Saruman must release his hold on the king." Gandalf nodded and partly dragged Legolas after him.

"this is foolish!" nagged Gimli and went after them followed by Aragorn. The guards closed the doors and Niphredil was left alone.

Hama moved on his feet uneasily. "I wish you understand me, my lady, and excuse me for my rudeness." He said guiltily.

Niphredil smiled at him kindly. "I knew, my goodman Háma." she said. Relief came to Hama's face. His heart warmed at the sight of the young Lady. He bowed and went inside.

Niphredil turned and went at the edge of the platform and gazed ahead. Everywhere were hills covered with grass and white flowers. A silver line of the river was turning around the hill and then flowing into the plains. White cotton clouds were moving in the blue sky.

Suddenly Niphredil heard the sound of fighting and shouting from inside. she closed her eyes and prayed that everything went well.

Suddenly A harsh wind blew and took off Niphredil's hood. Her silver hair moved with the wind freely. The sky of the East became dark and thunder roared and light rain started. The doors of the hall opened and Gandalf walked out with an old man which Niphredil guessed to be Théoden King. He had his sword in his hand. He gazed at Niphredil with amusement. Niphredil bowed a little and smiled at him. She was happy. His mind and soul was free.

Legolas and the others came out too. Alongside with Aragorn, walked a woman, tall and beautiful with long golden hair. A woman from kings descendants. She was looking at the King with a kind look.

"I'm sorry we left you alone." said Legolas and stood beside her and took her hand. Niphredil smiled at him. Then she heard voices and shoutings and then two of the guards came out. They were dragging a man out of the hall. They brought him out with disgust and threw him down the stairs. The man was pale and had eyes like a snake.

 The man was pale and had eyes like a snake

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Now, all of the king's men were out too. Theoden gazed at him with dark and menacing eyes. He came down slowly followed by Gandalf. The man whom Niphredil guessed must be Grima, crawled backward and down the stairs.

"Aragorn, no blood must be spilt by Theoden today." said Niphredil to Aragorn. Aragorn nodded and went after the king.

 Aragorn nodded and went after the king

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"I've only ever served you, my lord. Send me not from your sight." groaned Grima.

"Your leechcraft would have had me crawling on all fours like a beast!" said Theoden angrily and raised his sword to kill Grima. But Aragorn took his hand. "No, my lord! No, my lord." he cried. "Let him go. Enough blood has been spilt on his account."

Theoden dropped his hand. Aragorn stretched his hand toward Grima to help him. But Grima spat in his hand and ran away.

"Get out of my way!" he shouted and opened his way through the group of people who were watching the scene with raising hope.

"Hail Theoden king!" yelled Aragorn and then all the people knelt in front of the king alongside with him.

Theoden looked around himself. "Where is Theodred? Where is my son?" he said and looked at his men. But all of them dropped their faces.

Niphredil looked at her side and saw the woman. Tears were rolling down her face.

Theodred was not there. Niphredil understood it immediately.

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