Chapter 12: Road to Isengard(1)

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Niphredil and Legolas found their friends in King's hall. Theoden, Eomer and the Rohirrim's marshals were there. "To Isengard?" they heard as they entered the hall.

"Yes," said Gandalf. "I shall return to Isengard, and those who will may come with me. There we may see strange things."

"But there are not men enough in the Mark, not if they were all gathered together and healed of wounds and weariness, to assault the stronghold of Saruman," said Théoden.

"Nevertheless to Isengard I go," said Gandalf. "I shall not stay there long. My way lies now eastward. Look for me in Edoras, ere the waning of the moon!"

"Nay!" said Théoden. "In the dark hour before dawn I doubted, but we will not part now. I will come with you, if that is your counsel.'"

"I wish to speak with Saruman, as soon as may be now," said Gandalf, "and since he has done you great injury, it would be fitting if you were there. We will journey under the shadow of evening. It is as well, for it is my counsel that all our comings and goings should be as secret as may be, henceforth. But do not command many men to go with you, Théoden. We go to a parley, not to a fight."

Theoden nodded. Gandalf saw Niphredil and Legolas. "will you come as well? Maybe it's better if you go to Edoras and wait for us there and rest as much as you can." he said.

Niphredil shook her head. "I will come with you, Gandalf. I have unfinished business with Saruman." Said Niphredil and her hands curled to fists. She couldn't forget that Haldir's death was because of Saruman.

"so I want all of you to go and prepare. We will leave here soon." said Gandalf. Everyone nodded and Theoden's marshals went to prepare everything.

Niphredil looked at Legolas. "I'm going to get my bag. I will see you before the gates." said Niphredil. Legolas nodded and Niphredil left.

Niphredil had just left the hall when someone put their hand on her shoulder and stopped her. She halted and turned and saw Eomer. He bowed his head.

"I'm sorry, my lady." he said. "I wanted to thank you for all you have done for my people and my king. He told me that you have saved him once." he said.

"there is no need for such words. It was a pleasure." replied Niphredil.

"I'm also sorry for your uncle. We owe your people a lot. Before this, we didn't think good about Lothlorien. I'm apologizing for that." said Eomer embarrassed and dropped his head.

Niphredil put her finger under his chin and raised his head. "It's alright Eomer son of Eomond. I'm happy you and your people have changed your mind about us. We will need this alliance between men and Elves in these dark days." said Niphredil softly. Eomer looked at Niphredil's eyes and lost himself in them. His way of looking made Niphredil a little bit uneasy. "now, if you don't mind me, I have to go and take my belongings." she said and left. Eomer stood there and watched her till she went out of his sight. The Elven princess had been occupied his thoughts from the day they had met. Eomer was falling for her although he knew it was not right.


An hour later, Niphredil was ready and had stood near Lótë, caressing her main when she heard someone calling her.

"my lady, my lady!" she turned and saw Heleth coming her way. He reached her and bowed.

Niphredil smiled warmly. "Heleth, I'm so happy to see you are fine." said Niphredil, happy to see the young boy healthy.

Heleth's cheeks became a shade of pink, embarrassed at the presence of the beautiful Lady of the Elves. "my friend Hathan told me what you have done for me. I came to thank you and give this back to you." he said and put his hand in his pocket and pulled out the necklace which Niphredil had clasped around his neck.

Niphredil smiled at him kindly and knelt in front of him. She closed his fist around the necklace. "this is my gift for the brave son of Hama. May it be a sign of friendship between the Elves and people of Rohan and also a token so you will remember Elentary of Lorien." she said gently.

Heleth put his fist in front of his heart. "I will never forget you, my lady. I promise. I will keep this jewel as the most valuable thing. It will be a symbol of my family." he said. Niphredil smiled and kissed his forehead. "farewell, Heleth son of Hama." said Niphredil and then stood and mounted Lótë.

The sun was already drawing near the hills upon the west of the Coomb, when at last Théoden and Gandalf and their companions rode down from the Dike.

The Riders came to the wood, and they halted; horse and man, they were unwilling to pass in. The trees were grey and menacing, and a shadow or a mist was about them. The ends of their long sweeping boughs hung down like searching fingers, their roots stood up from the ground like the limbs of strange monsters, and dark caverns opened beneath them. But Gandalf went forward and Niphredil and Legolas after him, leading the company, and where the road from the Hornburg met the trees they saw now an opening like an arched gate under mighty boughs; and through it Gandalf passed, and they followed him. Then to their amazement, they found that the road ran on, and the Deeping-stream beside it; and the sky was open above and full of golden light. But on either side the great aisles of the wood were already wrapped in dusk, stretching away into impenetrable shadows; and there they heard the creaking and groaning of boughs, and far cries, and a rumour of wordless voices, murmuring angrily. No Orc or other living creature could be seen.

Legolas and Gimli were now riding together upon one horse, and they kept close beside Gandalf, for Gimli was afraid of the wood.

"It is hot in here," said Legolas to Gandalf. "I feel a great wrath about me. Do you not feel the air throb in your ears?'

"Yes," said Gandalf.

"What has become of the miserable Orcs?" said Legolas.

"That, I think, no one will ever know," said Gandalf.

They rode in silence for a while, but Legolas was ever glancing from side to side, and would often have halted to listen to the sounds of the wood, if Gimli had allowed it. Niphredil was amazed like him.

"These are the strangest trees that ever I saw," he said. "and I have seen many an oak grow from acorn to ruinous age. I wish that there were leisure now to walk among them: they have voices, and in time I might come to understand their thought."

"No, no!" said Gimli. "Let us leave them! I guess their thought already: hatred of all that go on two legs; and their speech is of crushing and strangling."

"Not of all that go on two legs," said Legolas. "There I think you are wrong. It is Orcs that they hate. For they do not belong here and know little of Elves and Men. Far away are the valleys where they sprang. From the deep dales of Fangorn, Gimli, that is whence they come, I guess."

"Then that is the most perilous wood in Middle-earth," said Gimli. Niphredil laughed at him. It was a long time since Legolas had heard her beautiful laughter. He was so happy to see her laughing again.

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