Chapter 9: The battle of Hornburg

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A/N: sorry for the long pause. I was too busy. I wish you like the new part. comment to me your opinion, please.


Niphredil had got ready. She was standing in a room, looking at herself in the mirror. She had pulled back her hair with braids. She was worried about Frodo as well. She couldn't feel anything about him and that did not comfort her.

Suddenly, she heard the sound of a horn. Her eyes widened. "Elf horn." She whispered and rushed outside.

When she reached the main gates she saw something that made her heart full of happiness. There was an army of Elves, lined in the yard and the leader who was in Aragorn's arms was no one other than her uncle Haldir.

"Uncle!" she Called happily. Haldir saw her and his face lighted up. Niphredil ran to his open arms and both hugged each other tight.

"My dear, Niphredil! you don't know how much we were worried for you, little one." Said Haldir and kissed her cheek.

"what are you doing here? How is this possible?" Asked Niphredil.

"we are here to fight alongside men once more, by order of Lord Celeborn and Lord Elrond." Answered Haldir.

"you've come in the darkest time and brought Earendil with yourself. I missed you so much, Uncle." Said Niphredil and hugged him again.

"I missed you too, Elentary." Said Haldir.

"how are my Lord and my Lady? They must be at war." said Niphredil.

"we are at war, yes. But don't be worry. Lord Celeborn and Lady Galadriel know how to guide their people." Answered Haldir. "Lord Celeborn has sent you something. Let's go somewhere with more privacy."

Niphredil nodded. Haldir turned to Legolas and bowed. "My lord, please order the soldiers as necessary. I should talk with Niphredil." said Haldir. Legolas nodded and Niphredil guided Haldir to the room they had given her.

Haldir pulled out something wrapped in cloth from his bag. He pulled back the covers and pulled out the most beautiful sleeveless shield she had ever seen. It was made of connected small silver rings. Its collar was designed by small diamonds. When Haldir was moving it, it sounded like a little stream.

Niphredil went closer and touched the delicate shield with awe. "It's beautiful." she whispered.

Haldir smiled at her. "Lord Celeborn has made this for you himself. He knew that none of us can keep you away from war, so he made this. If you want my opinion, it's the best shield I have ever seen. Your grandfather loves you so much." he said.

Niphredil's eyes beamed with water. Haldir touched Niphredil's shoulder. "come. Let me help you put it on." he said. Niphredil nodded and took off her bow and quiver. Haldir helped her to put the shield on. Niphredil felt an aura of security around her. "you look even more beautiful now." said Haldir. She smiled. "thank you, uncle." she said.

"now, Let's go. The Orcs were close behind us. Be careful, Elentary. Stay close to me and Lord Legolas." said Haldir.

"you too, uncle. Be careful." said Niphredil and kissed his cheek.

They went out together and went to the wall where Legolas, Aragorn, Gimli, and the elves had stood there. Legolas smiled at the sight of her.

"I should thank Haldir for this shield. It made me feel better a bit." he said.

Niphredil Elentary (Legolas love story/Second Book)Where stories live. Discover now