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You're probably wondering how these 7 boys got into this asylum..

And stayed in it for 3 years.

Well, here is how it goes...


'Namjoon! Come on! It'll be fun!' Said Jimin, running ahead of him. The other boys ran past Namjoon, and all he did was sigh.

'Be a leader, They said.. It'll be fun, They said..' He mumbled under his breath.

He heard a shout. No, a yell.
His head snapped up, and he quickly looked around for the boys.
Another yell.

He heard it coming from a building just in his sight. He ran as fast as his legs could carry him, and when he got to that place, he realised it was an asylum. Another Scream. He ran inside, and shouted 'Guys! Where are you!?'

He heard a THUD and then a grunt. He ran into the dark hallway, with only a light bulb emitting any light. He searched through rooms, and he finally got to a room, where 3 of the boys, J-Hope, Jimin and Jin were. Jin was trying to hold off some guy in all black. Namjoon ran to that guy, spun him around, and swung a punch at him.

He fell to the ground, and, went unconscious. 'Guys, are you OK? Where are the rest!?' Said a desperate Namjoon.
'They took Suga and V to a room, and they chained up Jungkook!' Said J-Hope shakily.
'I'll stay here, go find the others!' Said Jin.
Namjoon nodded, and left the room in hurry, searching for the rest of the boys.

He ran past a door, but stopped when he heard sounds from it. He peered in through the keyhole, and saw a very damaged V, and an unconious Suga. He slammed into the door, blasting it open. V immediately covered his face and whimpered 'Please Don't hit us anymore!'
'It's me V, Don't worry, we'll get out' Said Namjoon reassuringly.

'NAMJOON!' Shouted V, pointing over The desperate members Shoulder. He spun around just in time, and blocked a punch from a man. He twisted the man's arm, and pushed him off. Namjoon quickly grabbed both of the members, and got them to the same room as Jin and the others.

Jin was calming them all down, and trying to wake up the unconious Yoongi.
Only Jungkook left..

Namjoon went out, and started searching. This asylum was really big, and he felt as if he was going on circles...

He found a room, which was locked. He looked through the small window, and saw Jungkook, lying unconcious , chained up and bruised. He started to bash into the door, and when he finally gave it an almighty push, it Burst open with a very loud BANG.
He rushed in, and started to try and open the locks on the metal chains.

Jungkook stirred, and saw Namjoon desperately trying to open the locks.
'N-Namjoon.. Becareful.... Don't fight them... They'll chain you up, just like they did to me...' He said in a slightly slurred voice.
'I won't let go without a fight, They can kill me for all I know, just not to let you guys get hurt' Mumbled Namjoon.
He suddenly felt something grab his shoulder, and pull him back.

He saw 7 grown men standing above him. All in black.
He squirmed to get out of thir grip.
'Stop Moving!' roared one of the men.
Namjoon pushed them all off in anger,
And swung a punch at them all with a huge amount of force. They stumbled back, and Namjoon panted heavily.

'Quick! Get the syringe! He's the strong one!' Said a man. Namjoon ran over to Jungkook and shielded him with his arms. He saw the whole team outside, trying to get in, but other men stood there, laughing and holding them back. Suddenly, Namjoon felt a pinch in his shoulder.

He looked at it, and saw a syringe with Bright electric blue liquid inside, going into his shoulder.
He started to feel woozy, and then he fell, darkness engulfing him.

He woke up, chains heavily chaining him. He was chained to the wall, and he had a black mask on him. His feet were also chained to the ground. He moved, but piercing pain hit him everywhere, and he fell into darkness again...


He was alone. The darkness outside forming, and the moon slowly coming up. He heard a grunt, and footsteps.
He didn't bother to draw his head up.

'Namjoon... Namjoon... I've got you food' Said A voice he recognized.
He looked up, and saw J-Hope, holding something in his hand.
J-Hope fed Namjoon, and gave him some water to drink. 'Y-You must feel lonely, so I decided to stay with you for the night' He said, sitting down next to Namjoon. Namjoon slightly smiled, and said 'That's just fine, and remember, I won't hurt you'

Soooooo yeah.
Next chapter done! Wooohooo!
Hope you like it so far!

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