One Down, 6 To Go

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Namjoon woke up, and he heard chatting around him. He saw the other 5 members talking to eachother, while Jin was applying something to Namjoon's head. 'What are you doing?' Said Namjoon suddenly. Jin jumped, but relaxed and said 'I'm getting your head bandaged up, you've lost a bit of blood, I must say' He muttered.

He wrapped the bandage around Namjoon's head, and then said 'Does it hurt?'
'It still does hurt, yeah, but I'm used to it' Said Namjoon.
The members turned to him, and didn't speak a word, just kept their distance.

'You're scared of me' Said Namjoon suddenly, 'You're scared to come close to me'
The members put their heads down in shame.
Namjoon put his head down as well, and for the first time, didn't bother to ask why.

Jungkook realised he had made his friend sad, so he came closer, and sat down beside Namjoon. Out of nowhere, he hugged Namjoon and said 'I'm sorry'
The others crawled closer, and then decided to apologise as well. They started to talk to him, trying to lighten the mood.

Jimin asked 'Are the chains loose?'
'No, sadly' Said Namjoon.
Suga tilted his head to the side, and was thinking of something. And then, as if he had a sudden Idea, he ran away, and came back with a hammer.

'We can try smashing the locks!' He said. Jin immediately said 'But what if we hurt him more? Did you see the locks are so close to his hands and feet?'
'Oh.. But, If Namjoon would like, want to try, then I'll do it' Said Suga. Everyone looked at Namjoon, and then he said 'Anything to get me out of here'

Suga started to hit the locks with the hammer, but nothing. He moved down to the locks on Namjoons feet, and tried. He tried doing it a bit harder, but still, nothing. He then moved onto the Torso chain.

He hit it hard, and he must've forgotten that he was basically Hitting Namjoon as well. 'Sorry...' He mumbled when he heard Namjoons whimper.
Suddenly, there was a tiny click.
'Guys, did you hear that?' Said Jungkook.

'It was a click!' Said V.
Namjoon looked around for the source of the sound. When he moved his foot, it was free from the chains.
There was literally cheers.
'Guys, I'm happy too that my foot is unchained, but, I've still got 6 more chains to go...'

Short, I know, but I'm going to the doctors soon so I wanted to upload.

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