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They all were devastated because of Namjoons death. But the ones that were going even worse through it, would have to be Jin and Jungkook.
Jungkook has this kind of bond with Namjoon, it was a friendship forever.

Then Jin, he had cared for Namjoon. He couldn't believe, now, that his friend was gone, forever.

Yoongi felt most guilty. He was the one, after all, that killed Namjoon. They reassured him, that it wasn't his fault, that he was not to blame. They said, he, had atleast ended Namjoons suffering.

Still, Yoongi had that guilty feeling in his chest. If only he listened... Namjoon would still be here.

Jungkook was determined to go back to that asylum. They didn't know why, but sensing trouble, they decided to follow. Jungkook had apparently ran into the asylum, ran into a room, and locked himself there, mourning.

They had not went to their own homes yet. They wouldn't leave Jungkook, they couldn't afford to lose him. Yoongi told them all to go, and try persuade Jungkook to come out, and go home. They went, and Yoongi then went outside to Namjoons body.

They didnt Bury him, because they still had that tiny Ray of hope.
But Yoongi's Hope was slightly going down. It had been a whole month.

There he was, pale as snow, and eyes filled with nothing but shock, and sadness. He lay there, stiff as a plank.

Yoongi glanced at the heart on Namjoons chest, and saw that it was slowly draining of the black liquid.
He was very curious to what the black liquid actually was.

He decided not to touch it, because he didnt know what it was. The others were back, and they said that they couldn't persuade him to come out.
Yoongi sighed, got up, and said:
'Guys, we're going in to get Jungkook, and we're going home'

'But we can't leave Nam-' Began Jimin, but Yoongi Cut him off.
'Namjoon is long gone, Jimin, but if you really want, we can stay one more night here'

Jimin flinched at the harsh words, but nodded calmly.

(Time Skip 5 hours...)

Midnight was here now, and they all were inside the asylum, as it had started raining. They brought in Namjoons body, and sat him up against the wall where he used to be chained heavily.

They recalled their memories:


'Yoongi! Come on! Join us!' Yelled Namjoons voice. Yoongi yelled back 'No!'

All the members came running towards him, they picked him up, and threw him into the pool.
'What the hell is wrong with you all?' Shouted Yoongi, who was soaking wet.

He could hear their laughs, and he hearing them, joined in with the laughing.

Flashback 2

They were on a beach, and they saw Namjoon looking around, with a huge smile on his face. He of course, was trying to find crabs. The others were looking too, but for shells, not crabs.

'Found one!' Came Namjoons excited voice. They all ran towards him, and he started happily describing the crab he had found. They took turns in holding the crab.

Namjoon at the end had gently took the crab in his hands, and set it back down on the sand. They then decided to go home.

Flashback 3

Today they were practising a choreography they made up.
Jin was stuffing Sugar into his mouth.
'Jin, the rules clearly say you're not supposed to get sick off of sugar' Said Namjoon.

'To hell with rules!' Jin shouted, throwing sugar up into the air
All of the sugar scattered down on the ground, and into their hair.
Namjoon ruffled his hair, and all the sugar spilled out.
'Jin you're so dead' 
'Let's go practise guys' Said Namjoon , and they followed him to the dancing room.

'Do you think I'll do good?' Said Jungkook quietly to Namjoon.
'Of course, I've never seen you put so much effort into a song' Said Namjoon.
He nodded, and they started Dancing.

After atkeast 4 and a half hours, they decided to rest.
Mensing rest, They all would talk to each other about interesting things they've seen online.

At the end, they all fell asleep.

End of Flashback

They all were in tears after they recalled their own memories (The memories up there were Yoongis ones).

They heard a door slam, and in the corridor, they saw Jungkook, stumbling slightly as he walked. J-Hope ran over to him, and caught him before he fell.
They saw that he was very fragile and weak because of not eating.

They were lucky that they finally were out, and they could buy food for themselves. Finally something Different than Bread and soup.

Jungkook looked over at Namjoon Hopefully, but then hung his head.
J-Hope set Jungkook down next to Jin, and Jin immediately took to him.

You could see his ribs poking out now, and his arms were very limp.

They all decided to go to the nearest Hospital with Jungkook.
They left, But Yoongi, being careful, locked the asylum door so no one could get in and destroy Namjoons body.

Yet they didn't know, that just as they were a few miles away from the Asylum, Namjoon was slowly stirring.

His eyes snapped open.

That's it for Lunatic! Hope you enjoyed this book! I will try and make another version of Lunatic, but now I'll move onto the Bad boy and his Brother.

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