Chapter 193: I'm Home

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They probably could not understand why someone would cry so heartbrokenly.

However, all Xia Qingyi could think was that she could not be any happier than at this very moment.

There was really nothing that could make her happier than this. She could finally return to Mo Han's side.

She had been thinking of him every day in the days and nights that they had been separated. She had the urge to cry whenever she thought of him every night, though she could only force it down. It was only in the days where she did not have him with her that she had finally realized how much she loved him.

Xia Qingyi felt as if she could not hang on for even a day more without him with her. Xia Qingyi felt as if she would die if another day passed. Her soul had long been destroyed, even though her body was still supporting herself.

The rest of the journey was a little better than what Xia Qingyi had expected. The security had allowed to her to pass after glancing at her air ticket, even though he saw that her clothes were filled with black sludge, and her face was exceptionally oily, unlike that of a normal person.

Xia Qingyi finally arrived at S City in China in the evening on the 38th day after she had left the country.

Xia Qingyi had finally returned to this city where Mo Han was after leaving him for the 50th day.

She walked to the exit slowly after she left the plane. She watched as the people around her walked past her and out of the airport. They passed by her in their hurry to rush to somewhere. Xia Qingyi merely watched the familiar faces and familiar surroundings as she walked extremely slowly.

She was afraid that she would wake up and realize that this was just an exceptionally beautiful dream if she walked too hurriedly.

She wanted to walk forward seriously, step by step.

Like what she had done 50 days ago, Xia Qingyi had borrowed a stranger's phone to call Mo Han again. The phone connected very quickly. She felt like crying again the moment she heard Mo Han's voice. Her nervous system that had been tense for so long finally relaxed.

Xia Qingyi knew that she was going to go home.

After she hung up the call, she saw her oily hair, dirty face and clothes that look like dirt from the reflection on the mirror in the airport. She was smelly all over as well.

Xia Qingyi was a little sad. She was very ugly, and no longer looked like she was compatible with Mo Han.

As a result, she ran to the washroom in the airport so that she could let Mo Han see a beautiful her. She used the hand soap to wash her hair once carefully. She had also washed her face desperately for a very long time. She practiced her smile as she looked at the slightly whiter her in the mirror. She was not going to start crying first after seeing Mo Han later.

She pulled out a few tissues to dry her hair so that she could look a little more lively. She had been drying her hair when she seemingly heard someone shout for her name from outside.

That person sounded very hoarse and anxious, as he kept shouting for her nonstop. It took Xia Qingyi a long while to realize that it was Mo Han's voice.

But, why had Mo Han's voice become like this?

Xia Qingyi walked out and looked in the direction of where the voice had came from, seeing Mo Han standing among the crowd.

As expected, she was able to spot Mo Han at once like how she was usually. He seemed to be different from others and always had a light shining on him no matter how Mo Han looked, no matter how many people were around him. She would always be able to spot him using that spotlight on him.

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