Chapter 192: Going home

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Xia Qingyi had used this time to secretly hide some of the metal wires used at work on her before she continued to work.

People were the most tired between four and five in the morning. Xia Qingyi had not slept for the night, as she secretly counted the time before she quietly got up before the sun had risen. She took only a metal wire as she quietly headed towards the door.

It might have been because Xia Qingyi had regained her memories, but she had actually remembered how she had fought with Third Young Master's subordinate. Her footsteps were usually light and her eyes could actually see some things clearly in the darkness with the aid of the moonlight. She pressed herself against the wall while she sneaked into the security room. The windows were not closed inside and the moonlight shone into the room brightly. That person was still sleeping. The drawer was not locked as expected and she did her best to slow her every action as she pulled the drawer open and took all of the money inside.

As expected, the person sleeping on the bed behind her woke up the moment she had gotten the money as he made a noise.

Speed was the most important at this moment.

Within that second, Xia Qingyi had taken a metal tin from the table and hit it towards his crotch with all of her strength.

That person screamed as the same time that Xia Qingyi had jumped onto the table and out of the window frame with her hands supporting her. The person chased behind her while scolding her. She could hear the vicious dog in the courtyard barking crazily at the commotion. The gate was locked, though Xia Qingyi knew how to open such an old-fashioned lock since someone had taught her how to open it in school before. It needed time however.

That person quickly picked up a wooden club placed against the wall next to him when he saw Xia Qingyi opening the lock and smashed it towards Xia Qingyi.

When the wooden club had swung towards Xia Qingyi, her memories of fighting desperately with Third Young Master's subordinates all came back to her. The eight years spent training her fighting skills under Third Young Master had finally come to good use. She dodged the wooden club easily. She had gotten the upper hand after exchanging a few blows with that person. Xia Qingyi used her palm to slice towards his neck and kicked hard towards his crotch again.

That person fell on the floor, moaning in pain. The vicious dog kept barking loudly at Xia Qingyi, still tied to the fence as the metal chains had yet to be untangled. The metal chain was about to break from the dog's struggles to break free. The dog was about to pounce on her while she heard the sound of another person approaching her quickly from behind.

She still had 30 seconds. If she did not leave within 30 seconds, she would be locked up here for the rest of her life.

Xia Qingyi turned around to deal with that lock. Her palms sweated while her heart thumped. She kept panting, as she tried to calm down to use the metal wire to deal with that lock. The dog behind her kept trying to break free from the metal chain as it let out intimidating barks. That man behind her was running towards her, as the sound of him running was getting closer to her.

The lock in her hands opened within 10 seconds.

Xia Qingyi pushed open that door and started to run out as if she was crazy. The person behind her chased after her. The sound of the dog was also approaching her and she increased her speed. She did not dare to look back, nor did she dare to stop as she ran towards the grass field at a distance away.

The moonlight shone on her face that had undergone long hours of labor. Xia Qingyi cried as she ran.. Her eyes were filled with tears, though she kept her mouth shut. She did not dare to make a sound, because the people behind her would hear them. In the darkness, her tears were the only ones that fell as she ran. There were only the soft sounds of the wind blowing by her ear from her running and the soft rustling of the grass under her feet.

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