Chapter 186-190

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Chapter 186: Separation

Xia Qingyi said, "How did they find out?!"

"My phone lock screen is a photo of you sleeping. Liu Zhiyuan helped me take a call when I was in a meeting today and he saw it. He asked me, so I simply told him about our relationship now."

"Are you crazy?" Xia Qingyi looked at him. "You used my photo as the lock screen?! If they asked, couldn't you just say that I purposely changed it for you as a prank? Why did you even tell him?"

Mo Han looked as though he was not disturbed by this matter. He seemed to be unable to understand why Xia Qingyi was so furious, and pulled at her hand. "What's wrong about saying it? I have to say it sooner or later."

"Tell me exactly what you said to them today." Xia Qingyi looked at him seriously.

"I said, you're my girlfriend," Mo Han said.

"You just said it like this?!"

"Then how else can I say it?"

"What were their reactions?"

"Liu Zhiyuan looked a little surprised, Barrister Liao did not speak for a long time."

Xia Qingyi started to worry. "They still think I'm your younger sister. When you said that, aren't you telling them that you got together with your sister?"

"They know you're not my real sister, and that we're not related by blood."

"Not related by blood, but I'm still your sister legally. What will they think now that you did this? I don't care what they think of me, but you, they'll definitely think you're a bad person!"

"But what I said was the truth, you're my girlfriend now." Mo Han thought that Xia Qingyi would be happy when she knew that he had announced their relationship, but seeing her expression now, he felt puzzled and asked her, "Did you not want to announce our relationship? You want us to continue to date secretly, you criticize me when I hold your hand even for a while outside."

Xia Qingyi said, "It's not that I don't want to announce the relationship between the two of us, but the timing is not right, it's not the time yet. At least wait until the adoption agreement expires before we say anything."

She said, "And also, you should at least mention it to me even if you want to say it. Discuss it with me. It's not good to make such a decision by yourself."

"It doesn't matter whether it happened sooner or later. Even if the agreement still stands, we are not related by blood, and we're dating normally, why can't we tell others that we're together?!"

Xia Qingyi faced him. "But like this... what will other people think of you... They'd say that you have an affair with your sister in secret?! ... This won't do, this will affect your career in the future."

"Work is work, what's between us is a personal matter. I feel that they're not related... and what's more, you don't have to worry about so many things, I'll handle them myself next time."

Mo Han was a little angry, and he sounded a little bad-tempered. He could not understand why Xia Qingyi had such a huge reaction over him revealing their relationship. He saw no point in it.

"You can handle it?!" Xia Qingyi said, "You think you can handle it, so you didn't even tell me when you met with Third Young Master?"

Mo Han looked at her glaring at him.

Xia Qingyi said, "I saw Zhang Yang at school today. He told me about it."

Mo Han lowered his head, his tone a little rude. "I feel that there's no need to discuss him between the two of us."

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