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Blair was gone when I woke up. The kitchen light was on and I could hear something crackling and sizzling. It smelled like bacon.

The bedroom was dark and the window provided no light either. As I sat up and faced it, I saw it was raining out, the sky blue and depressing.

I went to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. There was a tattoo on my collarbone: S03. My first initial and my birth year. I didn't remember getting it.

There was a lot I didn't remember.

I ran my fingers through my short, brown hair, combing the knots out. The clothes I had on were wrinkled.

I walked out and looked at the clothes on the bed. They had since been knocked over and were scattered on the bottom of the bed. They were the same thing I had on, only cleaner. I decided to put them on and, since Nicoli was in the kitchen, change there.

Only, he left the kitchen just as I was pulling the shirt over my head. The skin colored bra I was wearing was the only thing covering my skin.

"Do you do this for him, too?" He asked, his deep voice scratchy like mine had been earlier.

I jumped and covered my chest, the shirt still not completely on. I turned to say something back but stopped when I caught sight of him. His hair was cut short for a reason. There was a large burn on his face, running from his jaw to just under his eye on the right side of his face. His eyes were a bright blue, captivating my attention.

"You shouldn't stare at people you don't know." He turned and went back to the kitchen, his bare feet sticking ever so slightly to the tiled floor.

At the same time as he left, the door opened. Parker stood there, looking the same as he had the day before.

I smiled at him, my cheeks flushing when I realized he was watching me. I was still undressed.

"Do you need help?"

I didn't but I nodded anyway.

His fingers were cool on my skin and I leaned into his touch, my body humming with the feeling of him on me.

"That's a good girl."

A soft purr left my lips and I stepped closer to him. He felt warm and the further away from him I was, the colder I felt.

"Are you adjusting okay?"

I nodded, my eyes glued to his.

He looked over my shoulder at the bed and, instead of following his gaze, I kept my eyes focused on him. I couldn't look away. "Did you sleep alright?"

"Yes, sir."

He put his lips close to my ear. "Call me James."

I smiled and nodded.

He pulled back and kissed my forehead, stilling every fiber in me. "I have to get back to work. Why don't you make your bed and go get something to eat?"

"Okay." My voice was light and airy, as my head felt.

He left the room and a sadness washed over me. I felt lost, confused. I didn't want him to go.

I sat down on the bed and tears pricked at my eyes. I was all alone again and I didn't like it. I wanted him to come back. I wanted him to touch me again.

I didn't notice Nicoli walking in, a plate of bacon and eggs in his hands, until he spoke. "It stops hurting after a while."

I looked up at him, confused at what his words meant. "What?"

"What you're feeling? It goes away. It's not as bad."

"I-I don't understand."

"Every month, they give us something to keep us wanting them. It fades over time."


"The doctors. Parker, Bailey, Jade..." His voice trailed off and he looked away. I got the feeling this 'Jade' person was his Parker.


He shrugged. "I guess they want control over something." He nodded his head at the kitchen. "There food in there if you're hungry."

I nodded and stood. Before I went to the kitchen, I folded the blanket on the bed, making it just as Parker... James had asked of me.

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