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James opened the door to the room and walked me to my bed. "Do you want me to stay with you?"

I shook my head and crawled under the covers. "I'll be okay. I'm just gonna get some sleep."

He watched me a few seconds before nodding. "Okay, baby."

I grabbed his hand before he could leave. "James... thank you for today. I just... I wish we could be starting our family now."

He kissed my forehead. "I do too."

I watched him leave then got out of bed. I headed for the kitchen, wanting something to eat before I went to bed for the night. I was the only one in the room, or so I thought.

Blair was in the kitchen. She was on the floor, on her side, like she was sleeping. But that definitely wasn't like her.

I walked to her side and saw a large kitchen knife with blood on the blade lying beside her. Her neck was slashed and there was a large pool of blood under her head and around her chest.

Immediately, I staggered backward and covered my mouth with my hand to keep from throwing up.

Someone killed her.

Someone did this to her. There was no way she would have done this herself. Even on her worst days, she never would have done this. There was always hope that we'd get out.

But who would have done it other than Dr. Bailey? He had to have been the last person to see her.

I ran from the room and to the door. I pounded on it, hoping James or someone else wasn't too far away and that they could hear me.

Thankfully, James was the one that opened the door. He looked surprised and confused. "Sterling-"

"Help me." I grabbed his hand and pulled him to the kitchen. I stopped in the doorway, afraid to go any further.

He jerked to a halt and his whole body froze. "Sterling, go wait in the hallway."

"But I-"


I swallowed and did as he told, really not wanting to get in the way. I didn't want to make him mad at me and I certainly didn't want him to think I had killed her.

The hallway was empty, thankfully, and no one had heard my frantic banging other than James. I thought of running away and getting free but all the doors required a key card and James was wearing his. I had to find a better way to get it off of him before I took off. I also didn't want to add more attention to an already bad situation.

Jade and Nicoli rounded the corner and headed for the room. Jade was talking, capturing Nicoli's attention. She noticed me in the hallway first before Nicoli did and her expression darkened.

"What are you doing out here by yourself?"

"I... Blair..." I pointed into the room, unable to get anything out.

She sighed at my inability to speak and went into the room.

Nicoli's eyebrows rose. "Is she okay?"

I shook my head and started crying. Blair was so nice and caring. Who would have wanted her dead? Who could do such an awful thing to her?

He wrapped me in his arms. "I bet it was Bailey. She left with him this morning before you woke up."

"We have to get out of here." I whispered.

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