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Blair was up getting a shower when I woke up. Nicoli was in the kitchen with something on the stove.

I heard him curse to himself and a smile spread on my face. I walked into the room and stood beside him, glancing at the extremely burned bacon in the pan on the stove.

"What are you doing?"

"Screwing up breakfast." He mumbled.

I took the spatula from him and scrapped the bacon onto the plate sitting on the counter. "For one, you're not using enough oil."

"And you know everything about cooking?"

"You did say my eggs were good."

"Fair point."

I glanced at the doorway before lowering my voice. "Is Blair... Did they wipe her..."

He nodded and grabbed two more plates. "Yepp."

I sighed. "Does she know everything we do?"

He nodded and leaned against the counter. "When she remembers. I wouldn't keep either of you out of the loop."

I wanted to feel flattered by the comment but I figured he was just doing it to be polite. He would have done it for anyone that was staying in the same room as him.

The front door opened and Nicoli narrowed his eyes.

"Nico?" It was Jade.

He met my gaze briefly before forcing a smile. "We're in here."

She walked into the room in a pink dress. Her lab coat covered her arms and shoulders. Her hair was pulled back and she had a pair of glasses on the top of her head. "It smells good in here."

"Sterling's helping me fix my mess."

She smiled. "Do you want to have breakfast with me?"

He nodded and pushed off the counter. "Bye, Sterling."

"Bye." I said, trying not to appear too sad as they left. I could hear the shower stop and knew I only had a few minutes before Blair would come in.

I wasn't sure when James would come to get me. He said he would be I had a feeling he was still cautious of me after the night prior.

I finished up breakfast and left some for Blair in the pan. Thankfully before she could walk in, James did.

I waved him over to the table, grateful for the bite of food I had in my mouth to prevent me from speaking.

"Did you sleep any better last night?" He asked as he took a seat.

I nodded.

"Good. I bet the flowers made you tired enough to sleep."

I smiled. "I had a lot of fun last night."

He smiled and ran his fingers over the flowers in the vase in the center of the table. They were still doing well even though he'd given them to me several days before.

I offered him one of my slices of bacon which he took. Then a thought popped into my head: could I poison him?

It would have been easy had I had his trust. They couldn't really trace it back to me and even if they did, what was the worst they could do? Kill me?

"We have to go to the lab today. I need to run some tests to make sure you're handling the medicine okay."

My eyebrows furrowed. "I feel okay."

"The medicine won't always show that you're not okay. That's why we run the tests."

I looked at the flowers, keeping my voice level. "Do you think I'm not okay?"

"I don't know, Sterling. You haven't told me that anything's wrong. But I know you've been talking to Nicoli and Blair."

"They're my roommates. Of course, I've been talking to them."

He didn't say anything and when I looked at him, he was watching me. "You know what I mean, Sterling."

I got up and put my plate in the sink. I sat down in his lap, wrapping my arms around his neck. "They've both been acting... weird. Like Nicoli was defiant towards Dr. Jade. And Blair was so mad the other day. I'm trying to keep my distance from them so I don't get hurt."

"Have they said anything odd to you?"

I shook my head. "Not really. I don't talk much to Blair cause I can't understand her."

"What about Nicoli?"

I lowered my voice. "He's kind of weird. One minute he loves her and the next he hates her."

"He's struggling with his medicine. Dr. Jade is trying to help him."

"I hope he can get better."

He kissed my forehead. "Don't worry about him."

I leaned into him. "Can we go?"

"Of course, sweetheart."

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