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Nothing was happening. I was still in pain. Still feeling the tightness in my stomach. But at least it wasn't getting worse.

Jade kept a close eye on me and the baby. She brought food and water and made sure we were comfortable. She even checked on Nico from time to time.

Nicoli never left my side. He slept in a chair beside the bed, fluffed my pillows every time I got up to use the bathroom, and helped me get comfortable when the pain started back up.

Jade entered the room one evening, just when it got dark outside, and pulled the bag she'd packed from a cabinet by the door. She looked back at us over her shoulder, a smile on her face. "You ready to leave?"

I glanced at Nico, my stomach suddenly feeling like it was upside down and ready to spill everything in it. I wasn't ready to leave. I didn't want to go knowing we weren't allowed out and I was pregnant and about to give birth. The thought of having the baby in a car scared me more than anything.

"Wouldn't it be safer to have the baby here?"

Jade shook her head and laid a bag on the foot of the bed. "I know you think it's you he wants, but James is going to be after the baby. If he's born here, it'll be harder to get him out."


She glared at me. "You're a mother now, Sterling. You have to focus on the baby and what's best for him. Until he's safe, nothing else matters."

I swallowed and nodded. She was right. It was stupid of me to be so worried about myself when I was about to bring a wonderful being into the world. He deserved more from me.

"Put these clothes on so we can get out of here. There are running shoes at the bottom. I know it'll be hard to run but you need to push yourself until we're safe.

"Will it hurt the baby?"

"The only thing it would do is get the baby to come faster."

I swung my legs over the side of the bed, a hand holding my stomach. "I don't think I want that."

"The baby will come when he's ready."

Nicoli didn't have trouble changing in front of either of us. He buttoned the jeans Jade had brought and slipped his feet into the shoes. He knelt down to tie them, biting his lower lip like he was deep in thought.

Jade pulled a cell phone from her pocket and glanced at it. "We have to leave if we're going to get out on time."

"Do you have a plan?" Nicoli asked, handing me a dress to put on. I wasn't sure why Jade went with a dress. It was impractical to run in.

I removed the hospital gown Jade had given me and replace it with the dress, my face heating up when I remembered Nicoli in the room.

Then again, my innocence was gone so why did it matter? I was pregnant with a crazy man's baby.

Jade slid the phone back into her pocket. "We're sneaking out."

Nicoli sighed. "That's a terrible plan."

She held up a hand. "I know it doesn't seem practical. The doctors aren't being watched as closely. At least, I'm not. We just have to make it to the stairwell, down to the exit, and find a vehicle."

"Do you have keys for said vehicle?"

"We keep them in the glove box. It's safer than having a place for them here."

"It doesn't seem that way." I mumbled.

Jade helped me into one shoe while Nico did the other. She cleared her throat and pushed her hair back behind her ears. "The faster we get out, the better."

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