I had a dream about James. I was in a crowded room, dozens of other people surrounding me. I couldn't hear anything and I could barely see through all of them because of my height. A door straight ahead opened up, sending a bright light into the room. No one looked at the door but me. Standing there was James, a clipboard tucked under his arm.

I pushed everyone aside to get to him, fighting against them to reach him. I had to see him. I was about to clear the crowd when the door to the room opened and I woke up at the sound.

A woman was standing in the door way. She had a black dress on with a white jacket over it. There was a clipboard in her hand. Her hair was pulled back with a large clip. It even matched the dress. The only thing that had color was the deep red lipstick she wore.

"Nico?" Her voice was soft and high and so pretty. She didn't leave the doorway. Her eyes were focused on Nicoli. He was sitting on his bed with a book in front of him. He didn't look up, even when she said his name.

Wasn't he excited to see her?

"Nicoli, we have to go."

"I'm not going with you." He said.

Blair lowered her gaze to the floor. Her blonde hair was braided down her shoulder. She had a book beside her, a new one from the last one I'd seen her reading.

The woman, I presumed to be Jade, sighed. "Please don't make me call security."

"Go ahead. I'm not leaving willingly."

The woman put her finger up to her ear and that's when I saw the small ear piece. "I need help in 307."

She waited patiently until, several seconds later, two men in all black appeared in the doorway. They were both tall and big and intimidating. Why Nicoli wasn't listening, especially after seeing them, I didn't know.

They entered the room and grabbed him, one guy on each side. They carried him from the room, all the while Nicoli kicking and fighting against them. Out in the hallway, I saw a wheelchair sitting.

When they reached it, they forced him into it. One of the men strapped his arms down while the other injected a small needle into his neck.

The woman said nothing as she left. As the door closed, I saw Nicoli slumped over, his eyes closed.

Blair went back to her book as if nothing had happened.

I sat up and pushed the blanket off me. "Does that happen a lot?"

She nodded and started to sign something. She paused before jumping to her feet. She went into the kitchen and came back with a small brown book and a pencil. She scribbled something down and handed it to me.

The end of the month.

"What does that mean?"

His medication has worn out.

My eyebrows furrowed. "Will I get like that when mine wears out?"

It's different for everyone.

I walked over to her bed and sat down beside her. "How long have you been here?"

Nine months.

"And Nicoli?"

He's been here the longest.

"Has he ever tried to hurt you?"

She shook her head.

"Will he hurt me?"

He's protective over me. Over us.

I raised my eyebrows. I didn't think he cared about me. I didn't think he even liked me.

The door opened and I expected Nicoli to come back in. But it wasn't him. It was Dr. Bailey for Blair.

She smiled at him, already knowing it was him before she saw him. She just had the feeling that it was him.

"Are you ready to go?" He asked, holding his hand out to her.

She nodded and went to his side, tossing the book aside.

The two of them left and I was all alone.

I sighed and went into the bathroom in search of clean clothes. I pushed the door shut and saw another door. When I opened it, I saw bath towels, clothes with labels for each of us, and extra toothpaste and mouthwash if we needed it.

I grabbed a stack of clothes and a fresh toothbrush and pushed the door shut.

The warm water felt good on my skin. My hair was a bit dirty and I didn't know when they last time I showered was. I didn't remember a thing from before and most of what happened when I woke up was a blur. All I could think of was James.

I bit my lip as I glanced at the door. Neither of them would be back anytime soon. Nicoli... was probably in trouble. And Blair was with Dr. Bailey. They'd be gone for several hours.

I put my hand between my legs and moaned, falling back against the wall. Just thinking about James was enough.

It was so intense that I fell to my knees in the tub, my whole body shaking. I couldn't imagine what it would feel like for James to do that to me.

Would he be mad at me? I was still recovering and wasn't ready yet. I went against what he told me.

I grabbed the soap and washed my hands three times. I finished my shower and dried myself off on the bath rug. I found a thin sweatshirt, similar to the jacket Blair had the day before, and pulled it on.

I stepped out of the bathroom, my fingers braiding my hair down my back, and jumped. Sitting on my bed was James, his arms crossed behind his head.

"Hi, princess."

I smiled and sat down in his lap. "I'm so glad you're here."

"There's something I need to talk to you about."

I nodded. "Okay. What is it?"

"You didn't listen to me, did you?"

"I-I don't understand."

He took my right hand in his and rubbed my index and middle fingers. "You can't hide this from me, Sterling."

My eyes widened. He found out. He knew. I had no idea how he did but that wasn't important. He knew and I was in trouble.

I covered my face with my hands, hiding my tears from him. I screwed up and he wouldn't love me anymore. It was all my fault.

"Sterling, look at me."

I wanted to fight it. I didn't want to. But his commands were too strong and I gave in, meeting his gaze like he asked me to.

"I'm not mad at you."

"I didn't listen to you. I did what you told me not to do."

"I didn't think you were ready. How are you feeling?"

I sniffled and looked down at my hands. "I feel it again. With you here..."

He nodded. "The first time is strong."

"Do you feel it too? The same way I do?"

"I love you, princess. You know that."

I frowned. That clearly meant he didn't. I felt stupid for how I was acting. I should have listened to him.

"Sterling, I'm not mad at you. If you think you're ready, I want to try. I want to have a baby with you."

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