Prologue: Start All Over

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If you like drama, comedy, romance with a pinch of dark secrets, then you are at the right place. This is a new story so I hope you all will like it and please support me. And no, this is not like any other story. I like to surprise my readers so I tend to hang you all at cliffs and give you all a shock at the next chapter. Please give this story a try. You never know, you might actually like it. Thank you! Oh, and you can also check out my other stories at

Prologue: Start All Over

I could still vividly remember that day, the day I lost everything. It was drizzling when it happened.

"Micol, get back here! Micol!"

Annabel, my mother shouted from inside the house. My hands stung and my eyes are stinging from hot tears threatening to fall as I storm my way out of the house. I didn't even bother slamming the door shut before running out to the street and down the road. I can still hear her voice shouting after me but as soon as I turned around a corner, I could no longer hear her voice. I was so pissed, so angry that I did not feel one ounce of guilt of slamming my hands on the table and throwing her vintage vase at her. I just kept running until I reached the end of the street. I was already soaking to the bone but I ignored the cold. How can she do this? How can she cheat on father? How can she destroy the family, my family? I was so angry that I was shaking to my bones. I clenched my fist and screamed to the sky. I didn't care if she lives or dies anymore; I was so hurt and angry that I wished she would just die.

"Micol, is that you?"

A lady said kindly from behind. I wanted to whirl on that person and scream at her but shut my mouth when I noticed it was Mrs. Perkins, the kind old lady from next door. She looked like she was crying...oh wait, she is crying. Even though under the rain, I can tell that tears are running down her cheeks. She looked pale, cold and scared that I immediately soften up to her. She grasped onto my arms and I realized that she is shaking. "Micol, listen to me; your mother, she..."

She didn't even finish her sentence. She broke down and cries as she clung onto me. I didn't understand what is going on but something sank in my stomach, something tells me something is wrong.

It seems that we should always be careful of what we wish for.

"We lost her before the ambulance arrives. We already did the best we can," the doctor gave me an apologetic look, "I am sorry for your lost. Is there anyone you can call?"

I wanted to laugh right on the spot. She died! She freaking died! How useless is she? To die so easily after committing such an adulterous sin, does she seriously think I will forgive her now? If she thinks I already forgive her, she is wrong; I hate her even more now.


I looked up to see my former best friend, the girl that slept with my boyfriend. She was cautious, wondering whether to approach me or leave me alone. But in the end she chooses to take a step closer. She placed a hand on my shoulder and when I didn't knock it off, she relaxed a bit. I haven't forgiven her one bit but I was too tired, too angry at the whole world to shrug off her hand.

"What are you doing here?" I asked tiredly.

She smiled sadly, "I am your friend, Micol--" I chuckled at that; friends don't sleep with the friend's boyfriend. She knew what she did wrong and a color crept up her face. "I am sorry for your lost but you have to stop crying and stay strong."

Crying? Who is crying? "I am not crying,"

My ex-best friend sighed, "Don't be stubborn and listen to me--"

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