Chapter 9: Falling For You

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Thank you so much for commenting and readingthe chapters!Especially you bubblybabe, you completely made my day! Hopefully you all will like this chapter! Remember to comment at the bottom! Thanks again!

Chapter 9: Falling For You

Talk about disaster.

Who knew the Fox brothers actually have fan clubs in schools?

Even the graduated Aiden Fox has a long line of fans in school.

How I find out about their fan clubs?

First thing in the morning when I stepped into school, I realized that everyone I passed by at the corridors is staring at me in an unfriendly way. It was worst compared to the first day of school when people barely noticed me and even if they do, they were not as rude. Now, they are just plain rude. They would stare at me and whisper harsh words to each other. I am practically ostracized by the whole damn school. The only people who talks to me now are Mia and Liam's bunch of friends. That doesn't exactly help the situation because talking to the boys from Liam's school means being more ostracized. I thought only girls do that. I was wrong, boys were far worst.

I think this started after the charity event at Liam's. Let me just rewind back to last night...

"Micol, I want you to meet your new friends Sue, Beatrice and Amanda."

Samantha introduced me to the three girls standing by the refreshment table. Each of them gave me a smile that I could only describe as hostile. But of course, the adults see it as being polite. The girl I assumed must be Sue, with curly brown hair took a step forward and shook my hand. Her smile didn't quite reach her eyes as she said, "I saw you in school a few times. Micol Myer, right?"

I vaguely remembered seeing her in school of the girls that disliked Mia. I shook her hand back, "Yes, you must be Sue?"

She gave me a tight smile, "I am Sue," She pointed to the blonde behind her, "That is Beatrice," She gestured a hand to a slightly chubby girl with black locks, "And that is Amanda. Want to join us by our table?"

Samantha gave me an excited look and I sighed inwardly, obviously Samantha wants me to befriend them. I forced a smile, "Sure,"

I followed Sue and her two friends to an empty table. From the corner of my eyes I could see Samantha walking away to join Carlos and the other guests. Something tightens in my gut when I saw the looks on the trio's face.

"So, I see you hang around Kaden a lot."

Sue gave me a half smile as she stabbed her fork into the fruit pie. I swallowed; whoa, is that my face she was imagining?

"Not really..."

She didn't wait to let me finish because she said, "I can tell we are going to be great friends already! But friend don't go for friend's boyfriend, right?"

"Kaden is not your boyfriend--"

Sue shot Amanda a deathly look and she snaps her mouth shut immediately. I cocked an eyebrow; interesting, I am already making enemies.

"Right; but just to make you happy, I will tell you honestly that I do not have even the slightest interest in Kaden Fox." Liar, something whispered in my head but I shook it off.

Sue's pale grey eyes narrowed at me, "Good. Do you like fruit pies? I am a big fan of them."

She offered me some but I shook my head, "I dislike them a lot. I think I will just go get myself a drink."

She smiled sarcastically, "I hope you can find your way back here."

"I hope not," I mumbled under my breath as I left with a polite smile on my face.

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