Chapter 14: Only Hope

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Merry Christmas everybody! Yeah, I know it was two days ago but the hotel I was staying at has no internet connection so I didn't get to update this chapter. Now I did so this is a late christmas present for you all! Thank you so much for reading, liking and commenting the previous chapters! I am so glad that you all liked the chapters. All your comments made me smile from ear to ear. If you like Liam, you will like this chapter. This chapter is for you, SHKHSH *wink*.

Chapter 14: Only Hope

There was scurrying of feet.

Some whispers.




I woke up screaming, startled. Cold water was dripping from my hair, my over-sized shirt is now soaking wet and my bed covers drenched. I jumped out of the covers screaming and whirled on the laughing Jayden and Hayden.

They are laughing so hard that they are leaning onto the furniture for support.

"You should see your face!" twin on the left choked out through fits of laughter, "Funny, really!"

"Exactly!" twin on the right laughed out and they high-fived each other.

"You two..." I growled and lunged after them. With a yelp, the twins bolted for the door and I chased them out of my room and down the stairs. We ran past a confused Kaden, a laughing Mason and a frowning Brayden as I chased them out the front door and around the pool. "Come here you little brats!"

"Hey Hayden, look who's talking!" twin running at the right laughed at me as he jumped over a beach chair.

Twin on the left shakes his head, "You shouldn't have said that; now she won't stop chasing us and we are going to be late for school."

"Oh, who cares about school? This is so much more fun!"

I saw my chance and pounced onto who I assumed must be Jayden, tackling him down with me to the ground. Quickly, I sat up and pinned him down with my knee. Jayden coughed a little as the impact of the fall got to him, his eyes slowly focusing on me and he groaned. "No way, you are so heavy!"

I could hear the other twin screaming no in the background.

I laughed menacingly in his face, "You better apologize, mister, or else..."

Jayden rubbed his arm and winced slightly, "Nope, you can't make me! You are too much of an entertainment to give up!"

I rolled my eyes at him, "Flattered."

"Come on, Micol, let my brother up." The other twin said with a pleading look.

I returned him with a stubborn one, "Not until he apologizes."

"Why only me?" wailed the twin underneath me.

"'Cause I can bet this was your idea, Jayden!"

Jayden blinked his eyes at me, twice. "I am not Jayden."

"Oh, is that so? How about you play the 'guess who am I?' game with me now? If I guess wrongly, I let you go and you can continue doing whatever you like. But if I win, you two get off my back. Deal?" I flashed the boy underneath me a confident grin. Somehow, I think I have figured a way how to tell them apart.

The twin under me narrows his eyes at me, shoots his twin brother a look and smirked. "You sound positively confident that you will win."

"'Cause I will," I smirked back at him.

"So, guess who am I?"

"Jayden," I answered confidently.

"No, guess again."

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