Chapter 11: We R Who We R

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So sorry for the late update! I know it has been days so I did this chapter longer as an apology, am I forgiven then? Thank you so much for commenting on previous chapters too! They make me so hyper that I could not stop jumping around. Ok, no more delays! Read on and later leave me a comment, telling me whether you like it or not! Love you all!

Chapter 11: We R Who We R

I better wake up.

Kaden's voice keeps ringing in my ears. It is getting more and more frustrating now; why do I keep repeating whatever he says in my head? Am I really that easily influenced? I sighed slightly and turned in my bed, I didn't even need to ask him what he meant by that. Aiden is obviously deeply in love with his girlfriend, so I should completely stop thinking about him being anything more than just a brother.

Frustrated, I kicked off the covers and got out of bed. I have been trying to sleep for hours. But with all these things going through my mind, sleep is obviously becoming impossible. I looked at the clock beside my bed and let out a frustrated sigh; it is one in the morning now, six more hours until school starts.

Maybe I should get some Oreo cookies and milk to help me sleep?

I opened the door and eased out of my room, walking down the stairs quietly. I tip-toed my way to the kitchen; hoping that I am quiet enough to not wake anybody up in the house. In my mind I am still deciding on taking Oreo cookies with plain milk or with chocolate milk--those two are really hard choices--when the light suddenly came on. I jumped in surprise.

Mason was leaning against the wall with an eyebrow raised. One hand on the switch and in another hand held a bowl. "What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing," I smirked at him and went over to the pantry to search for the cookies. When I finally managed to find a box of unopened Oreo cookies, I went to the fridge to take out the carton of chocolate milk.

Mason stuck his spoon back in the bowl and spooned out something that looked like crushed Oreo cookies. Munching on his food, he eyed me curiously, "Hard time sleeping?"

I raised an eyebrow at him, "How do you know?"

He pointed at the cookies I have in hand, "Chocolate milk over crushed Oreo cookies on sleepless nights. I do that all the time too."

"Funny," I said as I made my way to the seat beside him at the counter, "I thought this is a special recipe only my mother and I shared."

Mason shrugged, "My dad and I do that all the time too. Back when I was younger he would always crept down with me to get Oreos and milk." He smiled at some distant memory before looking back at me, "Hey, since neither of us can sleep, want to do something?"

Hmm, since I probably won't be able to get any sleep until morning...might as well join Mason in whatever he plans on doing. "What do you have on mind?"

"Here, take your cookies with you," Mason held his bowl in hand and silently flipped the switch off. The thrill of doing something you totally know you could get in trouble for and yet still do it coursed through me and I had to fight the urge to giggle in excitement. I bet Samantha will not be pleased if she caught me sneaking down to the kitchen and robbing them off their supply of cookies. Following Mason as he made his way out of the kitchen, I realized that we are heading towards the direction of the living room. I remember there are a big plasma TV and a complete stereo system set in the living room. I think I know what he is going to do and that only made holding down my excitement harder. I haven't done anything like this ever since I started high school.

"The couch is there...careful of the vase!" Mason warned me just in time and I missed the vase by just a few seconds. Both of us heaved a sigh of relief. I settled myself comfortably on the couch with my legs folded up and the bowl of crushed cookies on my lap. In the dark, I could make out Mason's body outline as he walked to and fro near the TV. Curious, I asked, "What are you doing?"

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