Chapter 7: Ideas and Recommendations

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   "Monika darling this isn't what I meant when I said make ya life better! I didn't say anything about attacking little boys!" My aunt Sandy exclaimed and I giggled at her antics as I walked from the detention room, we were finally free after three hours of torturous boredom.
   "I didn't attack anyone they were attacking a girl named Yuri, and being little fu- freaks!" I quickly corrected myself. My aunt chuckled  loudly against my ear.

    "I'm not your Aunt Belle Minnie, if they were being fuckers then they were being fuckers. Some people just can't stop em selves from being fuckers Minnie darling."
   "Sandra you better not be using that trucker mouth with our niece!" Belle's voice echoed in the background sounding unamused.

   "Whatever are ye talking about mo leannan, Minnie was telling me about her detention and fighting boys.." I groan my aunt was totally throwing me under the bus, I cringed when I heard something slam in the background of my phone call. I leaned up against some lockers preparing myself for an Aunt Belle scolding I knew was coming.
    "Aye woman give me back my phone!" I heard Sandy proclaim before she yelped in shock and Belle took over the phonecall.

   "Monika Amanda Salvato what in the name of the heavens has gotten into you? Detention? Fighting? più dolce I cannot believe this!" She ranted in her native tongue until she was just grumbling bitterly in Italian and I was completely lost. I mean I know that  più dolce is what she always called means sweetest, but I'm not very fluent in it when it was being ranted to me at such a fast speed.

   "Zia, I'm sorry,  please don't be mad at me! These guys were attacking this girl, named Yuri, she's really shy and stuff and they were threatening her and so I was trying to help!" I exclaim quickly and wait tensely for her response.

  "Lo sai che non sono mai arrabbiato con te, solo deluso, anche quegli stronzi sono stati puniti?" She spoke in a low slow tone  so I could understand each word. (Translation for what she said "You know I’m never mad at you, just disappointed, did those assholes even get punished?)

  "Nice try me love I know that ya just as much a trucker mouth as me!" Sandy called from the background.

  "Hush up, Monika I believe I asked you a question. " she inquired and I shook myself. Right, her question, speak Monika...
   "Well no...cause this girl Natsuki punched one of we got the punishment, four Saturdays of detention and we have to clean up the lunchroom afterschool for two weeks." I explain in a whisper because Italians are freaking scary when they're mad...especially my aunt Belle. 

She started ranting in Italian again and I sighed holding the phone away from my ear as I slid down the length of the lockers. Standing for long periods of time was exhausting.  Though it made me feel good that my aunts cared about me. My mom and dad didn't care if I was okay, just if my outer shell looked pretty.  

    A giggle caught my attention.  I looked up sharply and Sayori smiled down at me clutching her backpack strap giddily bouncing in place.

  "Monika?" Hearing my name I shook myself returning my attention to my overly aggressive aunt.
   "I'm sorry,  I'm listening!" I exclaim and she chuckles.
   "I love you, più dolce be safe. If you need anything your Auntie and I are always here for you!" She whispers having calmed down she blows kisses over the phone.

  "I love you guys too! I'll keep you posted okay?" I promise and she clears her throat... I cringe looking up at Sayori who's still smiling at me intently.  Obviously waiting for me to get off the phone. Obviously my aunt belle was waiting for me to blow kisses back through the phone.

Ever since I was old enough to repeat basic motions I'd always blow my aunt Belle kisses goodbye, whether it be over the phone, or in person. It was just something we did, but I didn't really want to when Sayori was standing right in front of me.

  "Monika?" My aunt called out worriedly and I looked away from Sayori. My face was on fire,  I didn't know what to do.

   "Oh sorry I' corner...when your call is over..... you don't have to rush though...bye...I'll be...over there!" She squeaked rushing around the corner. 

  "Monika?" My aunt repeated and I shook myself.
   "Sorry aunt Belle, of the girls who's in detention with me was asking me something." I explain making excuses.
    "Don't scare me like that più dolce, I thought you were getting mugged!" I giggled  at her antics.
   "I'm at school aunt Belle!"

    "Doesn't mean anything,  muggers are everywhere!" My stern aunt grumbled and my aunt Sandy giggled loudly in the background.
   "She's been watching too many crime shows!" She chuckles

  "Alright bye bye then più dolce, love you." She blew some more kisses, I glanced around before I returned the gesture.
   "Bye bye, love you too, talk to you later. " I promise hanging up the phone.

   "That was soooooooo sweet." Sayori giggled and I stood quickly.  Oh God why? Why was this happening to me? "Sorry I didn't mean to eavesdrop,  I was just seeing if you were still here, not that I thought you were going to ditch me...I just...was checking -" I placed my hand on her shoulder.

  "It's okay, um...what did you want to talk...about..." I whisper trying to overlook that she'd heard and possibly seen me kissing to my aunts over the phone.

  "I think you and me should start a book no a literature club!"

To Be Continued...

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