Chapter 9 Getting Organized

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We had a problem, no one wanted to let us use their classroom for our club. Basically we were the lowest level of the popular food chain so no one wanted us. Plus it didn't help our case that a lot of teachers were pissed at me for quitting their stupid clubs.

As we sat in our second Saturday detention, all I could feel was majorly depressed. I mean we'd been trying to find a meeting place all week. I frowned wondering why Natsuki wasn't here yet, it was unlike her to be so late. Yuri was reading some scary looking book with a bloody hand on the cover. Sayori was trying to brighten our spirits, in fact she was the only one who seemed to be in good spirits.

"What's got all of you so upset? Is it because of detention...I know it depresses me to be here." Mrs. Yazawa questioned dryly as she walked into the room, dropped into her desk chair and slumped against her hand.
"Nah we're just a little down cause no one will let us borrow their classroom. " Sayori explained as she hummed to herself merrily.

"What do you need to borrow a classroom for..." she paused and I watched our teacher's eyes roam over the room. "Wait where's Natsuki?" She demanded and we all shared a look and shrugged.

"She wasn't in trigonometry yesterday either.." Yuri whispered putting down her book and twirling a strand of her hair between her fingers. I watched our teacher's eyes darken as she stood abruptly pulling her phone from her purse.
"I'm just going to call her moms, find out if it's their month with Natsuki or her dad's month with her." She muttered and I frowned, what did that matter? What did her dad keep her from school or something?

Then the classroom door opened and Natsuki started into the room, she was wearing sunglasses and a baseball cap.

"Sorry I'm late." She jokes as she shuffles to the farthest corner and drops into the desk and hides her face in her folded arms. She looks exhausted like she just ran a marathon.

"What do you need a classroom for?" Our teacher repeated herself after she pried her gaze from Natsuki.
"We're starting a literature club!" Sayori exclaimed excitedly as she bounced in place, tapping her hands on the desk.

"Well if it will keep you four out of trouble you're free to use my classroom, just lock up when you're done and what not." She offered nonchalantly.

"Thank you sensei!" Yuri exclaimed and Sayori grinned widely.
"You're the absolute best!" Sayori added.
"You're the only teacher who even considered us, so we're eternally grateful. " I piped up, feeling relieved that my delinquent behavior hadn't gotten us completely kicked from all the teachers good graces.

"Don't boost her ego too much or it will go to her head." A red headed woman muttered from the doorway. Our teacher glared at her darkly.
"What are you doing here? I told you I was working detention again!" She exclaimed bitterly
"Well it's not like I didn't want to be alone or anything, I was just passing through." She huffed and our teacher looked unimpressed as she rolled her eyes.

"You don't work here, you have the whole day off from work, so just admit you missed me and wanted to stop by. " she teased and the red head blushed looking away.
"I was not, I was just bored." She grumbled and I smirked as Mrs. Yazawa shakes her head.

"Fine if you're so bored Maki then go to the movies or something. I'm having a conversation with my students thank you very much. " she snapped and I smirked. Oh my God they're both tsundere.

Instead of leaving however, Maki walked further into the room and pulled a chair from the computers and sat next to our teacher who looked at her irritably.

"Okay fine, I was lonely. " Maki whispered resting her head against our teacher's shoulder. The smallest of smiles graces our teacher's face as she pecks her wife's lips quickly before turning her gaze back to us.

"Alright so my classroom is yours for your club, since you finished your lunchroom duties, you can fill me in on Saturdays how your club is doing, and I'll have a key made for miss President. " she promised and I smiled, maybe this wasn't such a bad idea after all.

"Natsuki you have a black eye. " Yuri whispers and we all turn, I hadn't even seen Yuri approach Natsuki until this moment.
"Natsuki what happened?" Our teacher's expression hardened as she eyed the small pink haired girl.

"Nothing just was running my mouth when I shouldn't of, guy was bigger than me anyways. Nothing you coulda done teach, it was off of school property anyways." Natsuki muttered lamely and Yuri looked so troubled.

"The bullies follow you home too?" She whispered and Natsuki whirled around to look at the tall girl.
"They follow you home? And do what exactly?" She demands and Yuri looks down.

"Mostly just call me names...idol threats...nothing too serious.." she mumbles fingering her purple locks in embarrassment.

"That's it, something needs to be done about those punks, I'm sick of this." And I watched as Nico Yazawa, a simple teacher, stood from her desk, told her wife to watch us and stormed from the room.

It was nice to have a teacher on our side.
"I like her, she's one of my favorite teachers." Sayori smiled. Maki then looked over at us concern in her violet colored eyes.

"Hello Sayori, how's your grandma?" She asked kindly and Sayori smiled sadly.
"Wonderful, so's Aminishi, thank you for asking." I frowned Sayori was trying to hold back tears I could see it as her blue eyes sparkled with sadness...something I'd never seen them do before. It made me feel really bad, then again I didn't like seeing anyone cry.

"It's just I knew your mom and whatever, just wanted to see if you were fine. If you need something though like I'm here and what not. " Maki promised and I thought over Sayori and Maki's conversation. What had happened to Sayori's mom and what'd her grandma have to do with any of it? And who's

I guess since technically Sayori and I were friends now...maybe it'd be okay to ask...but still I think I'll wait till she tells would mean more that way...right? I'm still new to this friendship thing.

To Be Continued. . . . .

So Natsuki's a divorce kid, she spends a month with her moms and a month with her papa, don't worry though you'll find out more about her situation later. Its just gonna be awhile.

Also who do you think Aminishi is? Or Sayori's mom? Let me know your thoughts and theories on what you thinks gonna happen next!

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