Chapter 48: It Begins

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TW: I feel like it will give away the surprise of the chapter, but I do want you guys to be prepared and you can skip the last three chapters if you want.

Basically these last three chapters will have school shooting and some darker themes. Plus there may or may not be character death... however this just brings around the golden rule of always treat others with kindness, treat them how you want to be treated. If you're ever the one feeling like you're trapped there's always a better way.

And on that note, sorry for the delay, I just wanted to warn you all.

     I was super nervous,  super giddy and my heart felt like it was going to beat right out of my chest. I was just grateful that Yuri's aunt allowed me to stay for a bit.  But I really hated being bounced from place to place like some sort of unwanted handmedown or something.   Yuri said she'd be late to school because she wanted to visit Natsuki beforehand, so I walked to school alone, damn I missed my car.

  Yuri was helping me deal with my problems and even got me on a steady diet and exercise routine.  That way even if I ate, I'd have some control over my body by exercising with Yuri later. It was balancing me out...I've only relapsed once...or twice, but at least I'm eating right?

Plus did I mention yet that Sayori kissed me? Because she did! Oh boy did she ever kiss me. I could still taste her cherry lip balm on my lips and feel her hands in my hair.

I could tap dance down the hallway right here, right now! I was just that level of happy. I mean come on my life has been majorly bad before that kiss, so in a way it was kindof like the universe was apologizing for every wrong thing its ever done to me.

Because having Sayori more than makes up for 18 years worth of hell.

  "Oh hi Monika. " Mitch whispered his expression sour, his eyes strained on the ground. I approached him cautiously because  he still gave me odd feeling sometimes, but he seemed really sad.

  "Hi Mitch, you okay?" I question sincerely as I place my hand on his shoulder. He looked up at me sharply, his brown eyes were hard, steely almost.
   "Whatever like you even care." He growled lowly before he brushed me off and stormed away.
  "Wait Mitch..." I started to follow him slowly because I was unsure of what exactly to do.

  "Mooooonika!" I was engulfed in a super tight hug and a kiss was pressed into my cheek.
   "Hey sunshine." I greeted warmly forgetting about my previous pursuit, especially when Sayori kissed my lips before kissing my cheek once more.

  "Hey yourself Mi Amore." She whispered her voice muffled because she was talking against my cheek.  I giggled at the sound as her voice vibrated against my skin.

  "Ugh you two are so disgustingly sweet." MC grumbled crossing his arms as he glared at us petulantly. Sayori pulled away from me rolling her eyes.

"MC, I already talked with you about this, we tried to be together and it just didn't work out.  So please stop." She stated sternly and MC scoffed loudly.
   "Oh please don't embarrass yourself, I've moved on from my crush on you!" He exclaimed and I shook my head.

  "Look I don't want to get between your friendship.." I started slowly as I held up my hands in a 'I'm Switzerland ' kind of pose, and Sayori rolled her eyes again.
   "You're not Monika,  MC did that when he let his petty jealousy cloud his better judgement." She snapped sharply and MC put his hands on his hips.

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