03 ホワイトハッピー

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【すべき私 なる圧倒されるとともにア罪悪感または プライド】

"Should I be overwhelmed with guilt or pride"

The ceremony soon came to an end without the sight of Kanna's twin. "Where's the Princess?" Voices and whispers were coming behind Kanna and King II's back. "She's still getting ready..." It was a short conversation between a random servant and one of the royal guards. "Right...because he's coming." The man sighed, before muttering, "How childish...". A very loyal one in fact.

The conversating royal's guard was Hak; an older childhood friend of the twins. Though Hak is only older by two years, he was able to achieve many things throughout his childhood. One of the things he was able to achieve was to be the twin's bodyguard at the age of 15.

"Father, a little bird told me that Yona might still be changing." King II chuckled as he patted Kanna's head. "Shall we go visit your sister then, Kanna?" She smiled brightly as if her father's pats were enjoyable. "Of course, or else the poor bird will get sad its information wasn't needed."

The guard smiled with clear irritation. "Your Highness, what bird gave you this information?" Hak questioned, making Kanna laugh. "Why it was this lovely lady right behind you, Hak." Grabbing the lady, Hak was conversating beforehand, 's hand. "I'm glad my information was useful for Princess Kanna." The man sighed out of frustration, knowing he fell for Kanna's trap. "Did you think the little messenger was you?"

Before their bickering became longer than necessary, King II walked in between them. "I wonder if Yona is still shuffling with her dresser." The two instantly quieted down before following King II to Yona's room.


"It doesn't look right. Min-Soo, do you know where I put that calico?" "Princess Yona unfortunately, I don't. We should get going to the courtyard though..."

Yona was shuffling through piles of fabrics as Min-Soo watched helplessly. "I see Princess Yona is busy right now." Yona quickly turned around, surprised by her sister's sudden appearance. "Kanna! What brings you here?" Before Kanna was able to reply offensively, King II entered the room. "The ceremony was able to end without any problems, so we decided to find the missing princess." King II joked.

Yona gasped as she sadly glanced down. "Oh no...Father, I'm truly sorry..." King II wasn't angry nor disappointed. He just joyfully smiled at his daughter. "No worries. It's just for formality anyway. There was no need for you to show up." Kanna could only sigh at the fact that King II took this matter lightly. Though the ceremony is only for formality, it is considered common courtesy. The appearances of the king and queen's children during ceremonies improve the citizens' views. When present, the children are seen as responsible when it came to their duties. If not present, then the citizens consider the children as irresponsible and unreliable.

"Hey, father... can I ask a question?" Yona asked. "Of course, what is it?" While twirling a piece of her hair, Yona asked a remarkable question.

"Father, does my hair look strange?"




"Huh?" Everyone was in disbelief at how idiotic that question was.

"Woah crazy—" "Of course not! No jewel is more beautiful than Yona." King II praised. Everyone except Kanna franticly nodded their heads in agreement to King II's praises. "Princess Yona and Princess Kanna are the most beautiful ladies alive." One of the servants praised. Many of the servants kept praising the twin princesses' beauty, making Yona smile cheerfully.

"Of course, my face is! I do think I'm pretty cute myself. But why is this so red and curly?! It won't stay neat!!" Yona whined childishly. The oldest twin kept whining and tugging on her hair out of frustration as everyone watched. "This idiot is giving me a headache." Kanna muttered before letting out a sigh. "Why I think your hair is beautiful dearest sister! Even Hak agrees with me!" The whiny princess froze during her fits. The twins knew Hak was about to say something annoying.

"Of course, Your Highness. I don't believe the Princess' hair is weird," Hak had a serious expression on his face as he talked. 'Yeah, he's about to say something dumb." Yona grabbed the nearest stuffed animal while Kanna signaled for Aya to give her fan. "Rather I believe that the Twin Princess' of Kouka have a weird brain." As if in sync, Yona threw the stuffed animal at Hak while Kanna swung her fan to hit him, "Silence servant." The two said before Hak, unfortunately, dodged both of their attacks.

"Father, do something about his big attitude!" Yona complained, throwing every item in her sight. "Now, Hak is one of the five generals that protect our castle and a childhood friend of yours. He's a perfect royal guard!" King II tried to reassure Yona, but when does that work? "I don't care! I want a more charming protector!" Grabbing a teacup, Yona threw it at Hak. "How disappointing that Hak was able to dodge our attacks." Kanna said as Hak catches the thrown teacup with ease.

"Dearest Princess, I've been wondering but, shouldn't you be charming yourself? I heard His Royal Highness SuWon has already arrived." The crimson color from Yona's hair started to shift down to her face. The blushing princess started to straighten her posture and clothing. "W-well why didn't you tell me that sooner!" Yona stutters before she ran off to see SuWon.

"How pitiful you are Hak." Kanna said, earning a nonchalant shrug from the man himself. "Whatever do you mean, Your Highness." Kanna could only sigh once more at the idiotic love triangle. 'Yona's youthful love somewhat reminds me of the past' "Tea, Princess Kanna?" Min-Soo offered. "Of course. Thank you, Min-Soo." As Min-Soo handed her a teacup and began pouring her cup, Kanna started to recall the romance she had in her past life.

'I'm quite envious about Yona's youthful love. I mean so far, her love hasn't brought upon her own demise. Mine caused my exile and execution."

To be continued

To be continued

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