Dedication and Disclaimer

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Hello to all! Here's a quick note from myself, the author, to you, the audience. I'd like to thank you for taking an interest in my take on Mapleshade's story. I always felt she was robbed of something better when compared to other cats who did the same thing she did. Writing this delighted me, and I hope it delights you just as much - if not more.

I'd like to give a massive thanks to my qpp, Jex, for supporting me even though they had no fucking clue what I was on about almost every time I smacked them with a WIP. I'd also like to give a bigger thanks to Errol; they and I are rewrite buddies, and we bounce ideas off each-other frequently. Check out their rewrite blog at tbpau on tumblr!

And finally, thank you to all the members of the Split Thaw RP server, for putting up with my constant spam when I first came up with this idea and the weeks that followed, when I had a WIP in docs I wanted to share. Without y'all supporting me, I wouldn't have finished this. Thank you so much.

Now! Please keep in mind when reading this that every character depicted is my take on their personality. They may not think or act the exact same as canon; for that I apologize. I'm not a godsend, tragically, but I hope this brings something new to the table for you! Also keep in mind that for Maplestar's Light, specifically, the story may jump by several moons. It may get hard to keep track of time - this is partly on purpose, and it's written through my own experience with depression and mourning, something Mapleshade certainly suffers from - at least in this story.

There are only six true chapters, and this story is meant to serve as a prologue to the overarcing rewrite I have planned. For lore information, follow maplewind-au on tumblr!

Alright, I think that's it! Thank you for clicking, and I hope you enjoy Maplestar's Light.

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