Chapter 6

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-- Ch. 6


Don't even try.

The vigil had been long and painful. The whole Clan was shaken to it's core. After a long, final year of struggle and new warriors (Talltail had proven to be a great mentor to Deadfoot, and the warrior was now admired in the Clan), Heatherstar had succumbed to greencough. As the elders carried her body out of camp, Mapleshine turned her head to Talltail.

"You're in charge while we're gone," She told him. "And if you find yourself in doubt, ask Barkwing." To Hawkheart, she smiled and stretched. "Are you ready for one last journey?"

He'd spat the travelling herbs at her paws and snorted, shaking out his pelt. "It may be my last trip to the moonstone, but I will keep healing in Larkwing's honor until the day I die."

"I always admired your conviction, Hawkheart. I'm glad you're with me, still."

Touching noses with Palebird and each of her kits, she followed Hawkheart across the moor she'd come to love and call home, crossed the Thunderpath, and climbed the rocks. Mothermouth was a yawning grave, darkened evermore in the sunset, and she couldn't help a pause. Hawkheart blinked sympathetically.

"It's okay to be intimidated."

She took a deep breath. "Last time I was here, Talltail was a 'paw. StarClan didn't visit me with a message, that night." Hawkheart fixed her with a confused look, and her tail twitched. "But I saw them. Cats without borders, fleeting and talking quietly. And then... A mother approached me. Daisytail - you know the story." She looked at him with a smile. "And I felt... Blessed. She showed me my kits. I did not speak to them, but I saw them, happily playing in a meadow, watched by queens from every Clan."

"You always did find solace with the queens," Hawkheart rumbled. She nodded, looking back to Mothermouth with a slow breath.

"Well, let's not keep StarClan waiting any longer."

Together, they descended into the dark tunnel, padding calmly along the twists and turns until the cavern opened before them. Mapleshine paused, taking in a deep breath just before moonlight spilled in, and the stone lit up brilliantly. She could never get over its wonder. After a brief glance to Hawkheart, deputy and medicine cat approached the stone, settling before it with their noses touching it. Sleep gripped Mapleshine violently, and she was yanked into darkness.

There was a long moment before her eyes opened, and she found herself in the same place she awoke in last time. A river rushed nearby. Before her lay a wide moor, and to one side of it, a dense forest lay. Towards the north, she saw the forest darken, and briefly wondered what lay in the darkness...

"Welcome, Mapleshine."

But a familiar voice pulled her from her thoughts, and she gasped in delight at the faces she saw.

"Larkwing! Heatherstar!"

Without thinking, she sprang forward to meet them, purring loudly and pushing into their pelts. They met her with joy, chests rumbling louder than thunder. They remained that way for only a few moments before pulling apart, leaving Mapleshine hopeful for what lay ahead.

"Are you ready?"

"Is any cat ever ready?"

Larkwing chuckled, and other starry cats circled around behind her, just out of Mapleshine's vision. The tortie took a deep breath as she approached, shutting her eyes as their noses touched.

"With this life, I give you patience. Use it well, to listen to the cats who need you most."

Mapleshine shuddered, feeling like cold water was running down her back. Behind her eyes, she saw flashes - some things, she remembered. Being in the medicine den with Larkwing, healing from her trauma. But she saw others, too, like Hawkheart being taught how to deal with his anger, or Heatherstar asking for advice. It was a slow agony, but it halted abruptly, just before it got unbearable, and she felt gratified. Larkwing pulled away after that moment, and Mapleshine looked up again. Now Heatherstar was stepping forth, tail waving.

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