Chapter 3

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-- Ch. 3

Now you're thinking too fast,

You're like marbles on glass.

"Quail? This late?"


Appledawn stayed crouched next to Mapleshade, and Doepaw slowly followed their examples, leaving Woollytail to watch a few paces back. Sure enough, Mapleshade's suspicions were correct, and the fowl shook a lump of snow off her back, looking around. The patrol was downwind, and quickly assumed their usual strategic hunting position. Mapleshade struck it down, this time, and purred, bringing it back to the rest of their gathered prey and smiling at Woollytail.

"This will feed the Clan for days!"

"Good timing, too. Brackenwing's kits have eaten almost all the prey we caught. They're growing fast."

They hauled their catches back to camp, and Mapleshade sighed as a few rattling coughs rang through camp. Larkwing had been terribly sick these past few days, and despite his best efforts, Hawkheart was unable to heal her entirely. Trying to ignore the cold feeling that she felt in her chest, she surveyed the camp, taking in a deep breath. Heatherstar was talking with Reedfeather under the rock. Palebird and Brackenwing enjoyed some time outside, and Mapleshade purred as she watched Tallkit bicker with Shrewkit. He was growing quickly, and she was more than happy to see him putting her knowledge to use when verbally warring with the kit.

His battle skills, though...

She continued watching as Shrewkit easily pinned him down, and sighed as Barkkit hauled him off, the siblings starting her own fight. Tallkit took notice of Mapleshade, then, and let out an enthused mrrow, bounding over.

"You're back! Did you get some good catches?"

"Oh, I did," She purred, crouching down to meet him. "We found some delightful mice, a slightly scrawny hare, and a great big quail. Why don't you come and see?"

Allowing him to bounce around her paws and chatter with excitement, Mapleshade zoned out again; first, she focused on Palebird and purred, admiring how the cold light of leaf-bare made her pelt shine like Silverpelt. Then she pulled her attention away, glancing between the warriors and picking up on other bits of conversation; she heard Woollytail and Sandgorse talking about the tunnel project, Reedfeather chatting with a pair of apprentices who had grown unruly, and...

Hawkheart and Heatherstar. Heatherstar was crossing camp with the medicine cat at her side, and they seemed hushed, glancing between each other before disappearing into the den. It made Mapleshade's pelt prickle with unease.

"... Mapleshade?"

"Hmm?" She jumped, looking down at Tallkit; he adopted a confused expression, and she dipped her head apologetically. "I'm sorry, sweetness, I'm a little distracted."

He frowned, leaning against her leg. "Is it Larkwing? Mama told me about how you were close with her before you moved to the nursery with us."

"It's nothing you need to be worried about. Why don't you run off and challenge Shrewkit and Barkkit to some moss-ball? Nobody can beat you."

"Thanks to you!" He purred, bounding off obediently. Mapleshade watched him go with a smile, sighing to herself before a tap on her shoulder caught her attention, and she noticed Hawkheart standing next to her, looking saddened.

"Mapleshade, Larkwing is... Going."


She stood and followed him into the medicine den, her ears folding at the sad sight of the soft tabby on her nest. Her face was glazed with pain, but also delight to see her closest friends, managing to sit up a little and smile at them.

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