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A/N- The video has nothing to do with the chapter, I just need to show the beauty of this animation thing from Star's Taco.

VIrgil POV

I feel my heart practically stop.

Roman looks around. After a while he pulls me out of my bedroom.

The sun has lifted and Patton is making breakfast. The pancakes smell good, but my stomach is revolted by it.

Roman pulls me into the kitchen and sits me down. He makes himself a plate, and makes me one as well.

Roman sets the plate in front of me.

I can't eat the pancake.

If I do I'll get fatter then I am.

I can't do that.

Then they all would hate me again.


I can't.

"Virge, open your mouth."

I comply and Roman shoves a piece of pancake into my mouth.

"Now, don't make me need to help you chew."

I start to chew the food, and before I know it breakfast is over.

I go back to my room while Princey isn't looking.

I go into the bathroom, and lean over the toilet.

I shove my fingers down my throat.

I hear Roman trying to find me, calling my name.

I continue trying to throw up until I feel a hand grab my arm.


His screaming of a nickname for me breaks me out of my trance.

I look towards him.

He has tears in his eyes. "Virge, why...your not fat you know that right?"

I shake my head. " I am fat..."

Roman starts to cry as he looks at my face.


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