Chapter 4

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I stood behind the boys as they questioned Louis. I smirked as he tried to answer the questions he didn’t want to answer.

Then Liam spoke up “how are we supposed to trust you when you wont tell us where you went?!” very frustrated at Louis.

“I-I… don’t know…” he whispered looking down at his white converse, shifting uncomfortably under their gaze.

This was very upsetting to me so I stepped in to help “who cares where he went? He’s home now isn’t he?” I said trying to help Louis, he looked up at me and the look in his eye told me he was thankful. I mean out of all the boys Louis is my best mate, he’s there when I need him so now I need to be there for him.

“Zayn…” Harry growled “you’re not helping.”

“Whatever I don’t understand why you guys are so upset…” Zayn finished, crossing his arms and pouting childishly like a five year old. Niall was also just watching, he was probably only upset because Louis didn’t bring back food.

“HE’S BEEN GONE ALL DAY ZAYN! IT’S ALMOST 6 O’CLOCK!” Harry shouted at me.

“Harry calm down… So do you wanna tell us or will we have to find out another way?” Liam tried to calm Harry down then turned to Louis threatening to ask Simon about where he was. Simon was the big boss, or head angel; he was all knowing, meaning he knew where anyone was at anytime. He was like a security guard watching the little TV’s in an office, but one of the good things was that there was no audio.

“F-fine I… was…withEmily!” he said quickly and quietly, looking away.  

“LOU!” Harry and Liam yelled at the same time, they obviously herd what he said and were furious.

He looked down in shame as Liam spoke first “Louis how could you? Even after I told you to stay away! She’s human! Why don’t you just date an angel like me? Me and Danielle are very happy together!” he finished smiling a bit when thinking about Danielle, but then hardening his gaze trying to look intimidating.

“Liam I don’t want to date any of the angels… they’re all very nice but do not compare to Emily…” he said truthfully.

“What about Eleanor? She likes you!” Liam said.

“Yeah but she’s too perfect. I like Emily, she’s unique.” Louis replied.

“But Lou… what about us?” Harry said sniffling fake tears.

“Aww I still love you Haz!” Louis said kissing his cheek

“MY CHILD EYES!” Niall screamed covering his eyes, and then I pulled him into my chest.

“LOOK WHAT YOU DID! You scared the baby!” I said holding Niall in my arms.

We all laughed forgetting the tension in the room.

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