Workout Room Talk

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Everything was happening so fast. The way he touched you. The feeling of his breath going down your neck. You never thought you'd be this close with him. Or either of them. But here you are, under his touch, under his control, and you aren't complaining.

"Y/N, you're so beautiful." He whispered in your ear before leaving a soft kiss under it. "I can't believe you're mine after all these years."

You weren't able to say much. Everything was colliding. Your thoughts, emotions, everything was a blur. You only made suggestive sounds at him as he continued to touch and kiss over your half naked body. Each kiss getting lower and lower until-

You jump up in your bed, covered in sweat. The arousal you were feeling still lingering across your body. You don't know what brought this dream on and you were slightly worried to fall back asleep. So instead you do what you do best when you don't want to confront something.

You work out.

It was three in the morning last you checked. You took a quick shower to wipe off the sweat before going to get sweaty again. It was a vicious cycle but it kept you from overthinking anything.

'Good morning, Agent Y/L/N. Another sleepless night?'

"Weird dream, Athena. Need to sweat it out of me."

'Very well. I assume you will have your normal training in a few hours as well?' 

"Of course, can't let Reyes get the best of me."

"It is not Reyes that you have trouble fighting." 

You stop in your tracks, thankful you aren't on the treadmill this time around. You wish you were able to be normal but since learning all of the things you have about your past, as well as just waking up from what was essentially a wet dream of this brother, seeing Hanzo now isn't the best time.

"I don't believe I know what you mean."

You didn't hear any movement so you assumed he was standing at the door. You were proven wrong when you caught him doing chin ups at a bar not far from you. He wore his kimono around his waist alone, tied tightly. His chest was bare with a small amount of body hair going down his stomach, tucking just behind the tied up kimono.

"When we last sparred." He spoke as he did his early morning work out. "You were not keeping focus with me."

"You're, a new sparring partner." You say that as if you're trying to convince not only him, but yourself." You are a different fighter from Reyes."

"But you spar Genji without trouble."

"Genji and I are, different." You admit, "He won't go hard on me because of his cybernetics. He's worried he'd accidentally harm me."

"But I do not."

"Exactly, a different fight, doesn't go easy. You talk during it. It's all very distracting."

A single hum leaves his lips and he seems to be satisfied with you lie of answers. You don't know why but after that suggestive dream you can't stop thinking about either of them. How things might have been if your fathers plans went through. If you were still in Hanamura. 

"I can feel your stress from over there." 

"I'm just, lost in thought."

"Perhaps sharing them would help."

You sighed, knowing you can't keep something like this to yourself. It'll eat at you and that's the worst thing you can do when you're trying to focus on not dying. "I keep wondering what things would be like if..."


"If things were different."

Hanzo dropped down silently from the bar; wiping sweat from his forehead with his wrist before approaching you. "Elaborate." 

"You know, if our father's were still alive. If we weren't out running Talon and the Yakuza. If-"

"If we were wed?"

Your face heats up, "I suppose that comes with our fathers being alive, doesn't it?"

He let out a sigh, "I can have it arranged if you-"

"No!" You cover your mouth, realizing how rude that must have sounded."There's no need. You already said starting a family isn't ideal for you right now."

"But if it helps keep your mind clear."

"Hanzo, really. No one needs to get married." You insisted. "I just needed to get it off my chest. So much has happened to me the past few years and I'm sure you can say the same. I haven't had the chance to speak of anything. I've been fighting for survival for the past couple years."

"Perhaps there is still a child in your that has yet to grow. Much like Genji. You all lost our fathers too young. Genji wasn't ready to settle down and it seems neither are you."

"We don't have much of a choice." You sigh, "I saw my life going differently at 25."

"...have you tried talking to Genji about any of this?"

You give him  confused look, "What would that help?"

Hanzo muttered something in Japanese that you recognized, though it was seldom hearing him swear in any language. "He has been in love with you since we were children. If anyone was to get him to calm himself and focus on now, it would be you."

You feel your face heat up slightly, "Well I uh, caught onto the crush thing after you two were fighting earlier." You admit, "You both seem to forget that I can understand Japanese."

"I am fully aware of your native language." He grinned. "Though your English has greatly improved."

"Lots of reading."

He hummed, "Still, you should speak to my brother." He says as he starts to leave. "It would be beneficial to you both."

"I'll think about it."

"Good." He turns around when he gets to the door, "Oh, Y/N?"


"Perhaps you should learn to silence yourself in your dreams." A small smirk came to his face while yours only grew darker. "These walls seem to be thin."

"R-Right. Th-Thanks."

Hanzo chuckles, taking his leave back to his quarters while you just try to pull yourself back to reality. Maybe he's right, maybe you should talk to Genji. But when? You're all so busy. When's the right time to talk to him about something like this?

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