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The mission was a huge success. Not only did you stop the omnic production in the area for at least a couple years with the amount of damage you all caused. (Between Hanzo's storm dragon's destroying all of the wiring, Genji and McCree's ultimate's tearing the bots to bits and you electrocuting everything in site before freezing it over.) You did it with a day to spare. Meaning you get to either go home early, or have a bit of a vacation. 

You all decided on the latter.

It was nice to revisit your old home now that Talon has left it alone. With them knowing you are with Overwatch, they wouldn't think to track Blackwatch movements. If they even knew of Blackwatch in the first place. Besides, you had Hanzo and Genji with you, as well as McCree. You felt safe.

"It feels nice to be home." Genji sat beside you on top of a hill, looking out on sky as the sun starts to rise. "I am feeling the memories of late summer nights out here. Staying up late until dawn. Angering father."

"You always did like to push his buttons." you chuckle, "Where' McCree and-"

"Hanzo decided to show McCree the arcade."

You try to keep yourself from smirking. "I hope he hurts his feelings."

"Does McCree still trouble you?"

You shrug, "I hold grudges." you admit, "He insulted me and I haven't felt as if I've gotten my revenge yet. I'm hoping Hanzo can hurt his feelings enough for the both of us."

"You have yet to change." You heard him take his mask off, something he rarely does in public. Though the color scheme of his suit was enough of a reason to not be seen in public, his face was something Genji liked to keep sheltered from even his closest friends.

"You are speaking as if you have."

"I think being part machine is change enough."

You glance up at him, almost taken aback at how young he still appears. He's well into his twenties; pushing thirty in half a decade and yet his face is still as familiar as you remember it to be. 

Genji's face scrunched up, his eyes and everything that follows suit screams worry. "Is something wrong? Do you want me to put the mask ba-"

"Still has handsome as ever." you cut him off with a smile, your hand raising up to lightly tough one of his scars. "You still have the scar from when you ate a branch full of Yoshino leaves."

The worry seemed to melt away as he leaned into your hand, your palm now pressed softly to his scarred cheek. "The branches of the Yoshino cherry trees are sharp. Especially those that were in the garden. Perhaps that is why Hanzo changed them to more traditional cherry blossoms." 

"Perhaps." you found yourself drawing closer to him as you two shared memories of your childhood. "Or perhaps you were just clumsy."

For the first time since you joined, you heard him laugh. The child in him coming out with the soft chuckle, "Perhaps that was also the case." he let out a sigh as he gazed at you, "I have missed you."

"I've been training with you for the past-"

"No, that's not you." he reached out to hold onto your face, mirroring your hand on his cheek. "This, right here, is you. The soft moments, the small jokes, that beautiful smile." 

Your face was starting to warm under his touch, though you couldn't bring yourself to pull away. The moment felt, right. Like the stars had finally aligned and that it shouldn't be interrupted. The moon was starting to fade into nothing as the sun started to peak out from behind the thick clouds.

"Perhaps we need to get away more often." he continued, absentmindedly running the pad of his thumb over your burning cheek. "To revisit to... reconnect to-"


You couldn't stop yourself from using that phrase. That's what this felt like to you, to your face, to your heart. As if a flame was being kindled within you every time he was near.

He smiled, his red eyes seeming to fit him much more than his normal brown; even though Angela explained that, as time passes, they will return to normal by the time he is thirty. "Re-kindle?"  he asks, a small smirk falling on his lips, "Was there a kindling prior?"

You choked on your words while trying to find the right ones. "W-Well... you see I... It's just that I-"

He pressed his thumb to your lips, hushing you. "You don't have to tell." He spoke softly. "But perhaps you would like to show?" 

You could feel your heart racing as his thumb left your trembling lips. The need -- desire -- to have him on your lips when he never really was to begin with. Genji Shimada did something to you; he lights a fire in you that no one else could.

And he knows it.

You drew closer to him, your lip caught in your teeth to keep it from trembling any longer. A slow hand makes it way up to hold your cheek while his thumb gently tugs your lip free, his eyes looking at the plump skin.

"It is not wise to bite your lip so often."  He grinned, leaning closer to you. "It will ruin the softness of it."

You let out a shaky breath, your eyes locked on his. "Then where should I put my lips?"

You swear you could see a sparkle in his eyes. Perhaps it was the rising sun playing tricks. Perhaps it was always there and you never noticed. "Right here." he whispered the gap between you two becoming a distant memory as chapped lips meet yours in a soft, tender kiss.

Kissing Genji wasn't something you ever saw yourself doing; outside of the usual dare or two. Back there is was childish. A quick peck followed by blushed cheeks and laughter from your fellow classmates. Now, however, was by your own choices. No one bet you, no one forced you two together. You both made the choice to be here now.

And you don't regret it in the slightest.


I don't normally put author notes in chapters but I feel like this is the best way to get the message out since most of the readers don't follow me and simply have a book in their library. 

Updates are usually slow unless I can find the time to sit down a bulk write. I have a child and I am normally home alone with him and he's at that age where he doesn't sleep for five hours at a time anymore. It's more like an hour and during that time I tend to nap with him.

His father is off more now so I will be able to work on it but I just wanted to address why this book, along with my McHanzo sequel, don't get the attention they deserve at times. I didn't forget you all <3 

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