New life

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Reyes had just about enough of you speaking to him in your native tongue. He was even swearing in his, Spanish spewing from his lips faster than you could blink. You were getting on his nerves, and part of you liked that. Knowing that in your final moments you annoyed someone like this left you mildly satisfied. 

"Look, kid-" You hated how he addressed you. "Cut this crap. I know damn well you can speak English. Drop this foreign crap and make this real easy and I'll get you a better prison sentence."

"Fuck you." The first words you actually spoke to him. Reyes seemed angry, but at least there was progress.

"Any luck?" Jack leaned against the door. "Or are you still getting the gibberish?"

"She said two English words to me and it was to cuss at me." Reyes got up from his seat. "I'm about to have Genji come in here and talk to her."

You froze at the mention of that name 'Genji. He didn't. No, he hated authorities. He hated being told what to do. There's no way that Genji, your Genji, joined Overwatch.' 

"It's worth a shot." Jack shrugged, "I'll go get him, Angela was just checking his suit out."

As Jack left, Reyes looked back at you, taking in your current state. He smirked, happy to see that you lost your tough act. You weren't even speaking in Japanese anymore, you didn't want to talk. You were worried that the Genji that Jack went to get, was the same one that you lost years ago. 


When the cyborg entered the room you were stunned. He was mostly covered in machine, his left forearm and neck being the only flesh you could see, besides the pair of intimating red eyes staring back at you.

"You sure you got this, kid?" Reyes turned to him, "They're not even talking now."

"I am sure." It even sounded like an adult Genji, albeit a bit robotic.

Reyes stepped out, leaving you and Genji there alone. Genji took a seat, his hand moving up to press a button on his mask. It made a small hiss sound before he was able to remove it completely, his scarred mouth and nose exposed to you.

"Hajimemashite, ore wa Shimada genjidesu.-Kun no namae nandesuka?" [Nice to meet you, I am Genji Shimada. What is your name?]

You felt your hands start to sweat and your heart start to pound louder. Genji Shimada was sitting in front of you and he was half machine. You wanted to hug him, curse him for leaving you. You had so many questions for him that you couldn't even speak. You opened your mouth but nothing came out.

He gave you a confused look, "Is it the suit? I am sorry, I need it to live." He seemed to think you were scared of him, which was further from the truth. You could take Genji on any day and he knew it too, if he knew it was you.

Your appearance had changed since you last saw him. Your hair was much longer, Antonio liked it that way. You had it in a braided ponytail to keep it managed better. Your tan was faded from so much inside training and your were slimmer.

Genji stood from his seat, walking over to you to touch you with his organic hand. "I am as you are, I am human."

"G-Genji." He looked at you confused, your voice being a whisper. Tears pierced your eyes as you moved into his touch. "Genji-fucking-Shimada. You fucking bastard."

"I don't believe I-"

"You left me, you asshole." You were crying, but also laughing, your emotions being mixed with anger and happiness. "Without saying goodbye."

His eyes widen when he realized who you were, "Y-Y/N... Why are you here? What happened back home?"

You laughed again, your face finding it's way to his metal covered stomach. You slightly worried about rusting him, but you were sure he'd move you if that was the case. "The omnics wrecked the place. My mother, she was murdered going to the store. I was on teh streets until they found me."

"What of my brother. Did he not help you?"

"He doesn't even know how many times I tried to get his stupid guards to relay a message." You were done laughing and your tears were running quick down your face. "I had to become a criminal to live and now I'm going to die."

"Nonsense. I'll explain the situation to commander Re-"

"It's no use." You sat up, your e/c eyes looking at his red ones. "If they ever catch me I'm dead on the spot."

Genji seemed angry, his face plate going back to cover his mouth, the robotic static coming back through. "Stay here."

Where were you going to go? The minute you leave this building you have a bounty on your head unless you can get back to Venice in less than twenty-four hours. Doubtful. When they find you, you'll either be killed on the spot or taken for torture.

Reyes enters the room again, a clipboard in his hand. "Alright uh, Y/N" He looks at the paper and back to you, "I got a deal for ya."

You wipe your face with your sleeve, seeing Genji standing behind his commander. "What? Are you going to make my death swift?"

"Nothing like that." He turned the clipboard towards you. "Shimada explained your past friendship, albeit a bit fast for me to catch it all. None the less I want to offer you a job."

"A, job?" You carefully looked at the papers, your name at the top with a list of terms and conditions about joining Overwatch. "Why would I-"

"Listen kid-"

"Don't call me that."

"Whatever. You are obviously a sneaky one. Got right by McCree. If he didn't come in when he did we probably wouldn't have got ya. You are the best lead we have on Talon, and from what we found searching your name, an excellent fighter."

You huffed, reading over the papers, "I was forced to be."

"Having an insight into Talon is something we can't pass up. We'd hate to see a pretty face like yours get killed if we release you back to them."

You glared at him, seeing Genji do the same. "What do I get if I join?"

"A warm bed, hot meals. A custom weapon." Reyes eyed your outfit and scoffed, "A better sense of fashion. We make sure our females are comfortable in their outfit, not appealing to the eyes."

You suddenly felt self conscious, crossing your legs over each other. "Fine. Better than going back to Venice and getting tortured."

"Ah, Antonio's classic torture." Reyes sighed, handing your a pen. "Once you sigh that you will be under my command. We will run in the morning to test your stamina and you will be fighting McCree in the afternoon so we can better observe your style." 

You huff slightly, sighing your name on the dotted line, "Hope you're ready to be out run, old man."

Reyes laughed, bringing the clipboard back to him, "I'm genetically enhanced, you'll be lucky if you can keep up with me. The only one of my squadron that can is Genji, because he is also genetically enhanced." 

You scoff, "I can outrun Genji too."

"That is not how I recall our childhood Y/N" Genji was grinning behind his mask.

You glared at him to shut his mouth, getting annoyed that he's ruining your trough image. "I'll get you a room ready." Reyes laughed, leaving you two alone.

You kept your eyes on him while he leaned against the door frame. He had a lot of explaining to do but right now you were just happy that you didn't lose everyone in that omnic attack.

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