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A little bit of light shone through the curtains of Zelda's bedroom.
Zelda had just woke up but she was already considering to ignore her princess priorities and sleep in today.
She stared at her reflection in her mirror and then decided she needed to do her hair.

She opened her drawer and took out a hairbrush and started brushing her hair.
She could've sweared she saw a figure with a sword standing next to her bed.

There was a soft knock on her door followed with a woman's voice. "Zelda, can I come in?"

Zelda didn't recognise the voice but opened the door anyway.
There stood no one.

Zelda was confused but ignored it.

There was another knock at the door, she opened it again but this time there actually stood someone, Zelda's father: King Rhoam Bosphoramus.

"It's time for breakfast, little bird." He said.

"Father, you've been calling me that for nearly 17 years, will you ever stop?" I asked.
"Of course not, little bird." He replied teasingly.

We walked trough the long hallways of the castle encountering only a couple of maids and guards.
Then we passed Link's former room and I peeked inside.
I could have sworn Link stood in it, but the door was locked and he's also dead.

I ignored it as it was morning and I was still very sleepy so it could be a hallucination.

We arrived at the dining hall where, of course, the table was already set.
I sat at the chair with my name engraved in it and my father walked all the way to the other side of the table to his chair.

The champions who were staying at the castle for a couple days also arrived in the dining hall.
Mipha sat at the chair closest to me.

The breakfast was boring, nobody talked and I don't think they even wanted to.

"Hey" Mipha whispered. "Want to take a walk"
I nodded and asked to be excused.
Mipha did the same and we walked outside.

We made our way to the courtyard, where we started our walk.
At first everything was normal but at the second half I started seeing unnatural shadows.
Every one of them looked like Link.

Did I see ghosts or were it hallucinations.
Whatever it was, I burst into tears.

"Zel, What's wrong?" Mipha Asked in a panic.
I was hiccuping uncontrollably so Mipha was unable to make out anything I was saying.

I calmed down a bit and started explaining everything that happened this morning and here in the gardens to Mipha.

Suprisingly she didn't cry, she just stared at my with disbelief.
"We have to tell this to the others." She said "because something is really wrong"


The castle doors flew open and a loud bang was heard when the doors slammed against the wall.
Mipha walked inside with Zelda in her arms.
"What in tarnation?!" The king yelled.

"Oh it's you two, did you have fun" he said immediately regretting it after seeing the face of his crying daughter.

"Oh what's wrong, little bird?" King Rhoam Asked.
Zelda wanted to say things, explain everything, but she couldn't.
It felt like her mouth was glued shut,
She couldn't utter a word.

"Excuse me King Rhoam" Mipha began "But I think we need to let Zelda alone for a bit, I'll explain everything"

King Rhoam looked at Zelda. "Yes, I think that's an good idea."

I nodded and walked back to my room.
It was 12 o' clock but I felt awful.

I didn't even bother looking in Link's room as that would make me even more emotional.

Finally I arrived at my room.
I opened the door, and slammed it shut.
The noise was echoing trough my room and the hallways but I didn't care.

I dropped myself on the bed and started crying.

I'm not worth it.

I could have saved him.

You're a failure.

If only you're sealing abilities worked.

I ended up falling asleep when I was busy crying.
Then a female voice I somewhat recognised started talking in my head.

Zelda, Hyrule is in peril.
The hero has fallen.
The champions will perish.
The Sheikah technology will betray.

Watch out, Zelda, for the sake of Hyrule.

I screamed.
That voice where did I hear that before.
I was sweating.

What did she mean the Sheikah technology will betray?
And will the champions die?

And how did she know my name?

I didn't know anymore.
I have to warn the champions.
For the sake of Hyrule.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2019 ⏰

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