She couldn't save him.

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"No! No! No!" Zelda said running towards her knight.
Zelda sat there sobbing while the other champions fought the one guardian who killed Link.

Daruk gave the final blow to the guardian, he punched it in the eye.
Then they moved on to other guardians while Zelda was still crying on the dead body of Link.

"I could have saved him" she cried. These moments where the still living champions fought felt like hours.
Not only was there the dead body of the knight Zelda secretly loved but the fact that the other warriors were fighting five other ancient mechanisms who could have killed Link was devastating to her.

Finally they won from the guardians but it still felt that they lost.
Mipha ran to the princess crying but already consoling Zelda.

Daruk, Urbosa and Revali stayed behind letting the Zora champion go first because she was basically Zelda's best friend.

"I- I feel bad." Revali stuttered. "That is normal Revali, we all feel bad." Urbosa Said calm in an odd way.
Revali wanted to say something but he then stopped and there was a small silence where you could only hear Zelda and Mipha cry.

Then he said something: "No I mean, s- since I know him I was really a- arrogant towards him but I was just t- training him you know?"

Daruk thought for a bit then he looked at Urbosa and said: "I think I speak for the both of us, because we forgive you but I think you're gonna have a harder time making Zelda and Mipha forgive you."

Mipha was desperately trying to heal Link with no success.
Then the Master Sword started glowing, a Triforce appeared in the sky and the sword that seals the darkness
"Where is it going?" Urbosa asked.

"To the Lost Woods." Said the princess. "I- I think I'm not really sure."
Zelda sat next to her knight and forced a weak smile.

"Who knew an average boy from Hateno village could become such a wonderful knight..." She said. "He really was just like his father."

She looked at the dark silhouette of Hyrule Castle and decided that she had to bring Link to it.
She stood up, picked up Link and took off to a walk she'll never forget.


The castle doors slammed open with the princess crying and running to the throne room.
She opened the massive doors of the throne room were King Rhoam proudly sat with the throne of her dead wife next to it.

"The hero has fallen." "I couldn't save him!" "My sealing powers still didn't work." "I'm not worth it!" Were all thing she yelled rapidly before collapsing on the ground crying and the lifeless body of her appointed knight falling next to her.

King Rhoam rushed to her daughter comforting her and then slowly asking what happened.
The other champions soon entered explaining the story to the king as Zelda was too sorrowful to actually talk.

"Zelda, would you mind going to your room for the rest of the night while we sort some things out?" Rhoam asked

She nodded and slowly walked to her room not saying a word to any guard like she normally does.
She entered her room and started writing in her diary.

Dear Diary.

Today the champions and I fought six guardian stalkers when one of them murdered my appointed knight, Link, the boy I've grown to love.
I was devastated and I'm still crying while I'm writing this
Mipha, the Zora Champion, and I cried the whole time back to the castle.

I hope you know, Ganon, that we will beat you no matter what.

Because you killed one of the persons I loved most, my appointed knight, Link.
You are gonna pay for your deeds Ganon.

Linkless | Legend of Zelda | ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now