Floor three: Dark elves

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I almost am forgetting that I'm in a game. My age isnt even something I can think off the top of my head. But my math has gotten better. I look at the bottom of floor iv above me now. I was looking around until I decided to follow a group of four players. Their hair was a rainbow of colors. Silver, blonde, crimson, and blue. They were passing by and then the boy with silver hair yelled. "Ok the "elves are fighting" over there," and they ran off. I'm a curious girl (not that curious) so I'd decided to look where the "elves" were, and I saw two elves one was green and white. A beautiful man, the other is when my heart went fluttering a female with dark skin like mine, and her purple hair was astonishing. I knew I had to help her,  so ran a drew my rapier on the beautiful man, but he was no stature of David. My Anneled rapier 3a3d hit the base of this green elf. When the message made it's way to the dark elf she was astonished by my fighting. She stood their for a few seconds. I was doing a good amount of damage, but the male elf got onto of me, on top of that he had parried me. So I had to endure his next attack, but the dark elf women who made my heart flutter, used her one handed saber, it was silver in color with a golden hilt. The two elves then has some dialogue.
"So it's TRUE you had killed my brother!"
"You'll join him you Forrest elf bastard"
When I watched the two fight on it was like watching professional ballerinas dancing. I was entangled in this fight to out do the others in this foggy forrest, which by the way was the perfect setting. "My turn!"I yelled a I activated a sword skill. I lunged in a fashion of gold and yellows, I had successfully done linear. The forrest elf then had exploded into polymorphic blue shards. I exhaled, and sat down.
"H...human, I... thank you for your help, let me take you to camp so you can reap a reward," the dark elf had suggested, I stand up,"ok then let's get this party started,"I say,then I remember how the ai works in this game. "Uhhh.." "party?"
"Oh uh I'll follow you,"I say my cheeks red, with that the dark elf girl nods and walks off. I keep on look at the girl's figure, she seems to be set in her early teens, her armor was light and accessible, like mine. Her Cape had cover her body from the front which I noted, as a design I might use later on. "E..exuse me, miss" I begin to say remembering the ai. "Ah yes," the dark elf girl stops and does a one eight on me, and stares right to me. "I'm Owl," and with that she finished that three sixty. "You are," Owl blurts out when she starts the hike again. "Uhm,...uh I'm Galaxy811," I meekly say, "you can call me Galaxy!"I sqeek as we reach the doors of a camp. The gaurds look at me then owl, their stature is a little scary since I'm 5" max. Owl says something to them and they nod letting us in. Right as we're entering the camp Owl takes off her Cape. I can get a better look at her, she seems to be skinny like me. Her short hair complements her body very well. "Ehem your staring," Owl says to me.
She noticed
"*cough*the camp leader is over here," Owl quickly says, attempting to avoid anymore aquardness. I nod and follow the girl, I notice the bustling community, the food's smell, then I hear the iconic cleaning of metal against hammer, and anvil. "Galaxy!" Owl barks. I look at her midnight eyes then to the massive tent. "Let me do the talking, please, but If he asks you a question specifically you can speek," the dark elf infront of me requests. I nod again. When we enter I can hear the bellowing of the man. When owl went over the situation, he looks at me and I shudder, he nods and he rewards me. "Ok we have a wonderful selection," with that he point to a table of items, when I gave I see the dark elf armor, with that I chose them. (I wonder if there's different selection for different teams)I ponder in my head. When I look at the camp leader he is speaking with Owl, so I leave the big.  tent, when I exit the tent, many of the elven people are waving to me, I'm confused then look at my skin, I look like a dark elf. I laugh then, sit down to wait for Owl. When she does come out she has her soldier face on. "Hi Owl," I say, the dark elf looks at me, and her face rests, the she goes to embarrassment. "I forgot were full on tents and it's to late to get to the human cities," she squeals, I look more and more on this NPC and she must've been worked on more then any of the others, like she was a test, for something, but I have to say I'm tired. "You could stay at my tent tonight,"the dark elf says to me with confidence.  I nod with my heart now pounding. "Ok where is this tent?"I ask, with that the young girl grabs my wrist and pulls me to the eastern side of the camp. Her tent is more a lavender then the dark purple of the normal tents. But my mind doesn't care, so I walk in. The warm air hits my virtual skin, this is nice. I look around to see a wolf hide as a blanket, same a mat. So I just take the left side and hide under the covers. Owl does the same before changing her attire. She looks at me then blows put her lanturn.

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