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Floor twelve one week later
I'm running faster through the grass, how fast must I get? My vision cant keep up, I fall flat on my face, ugh. I go back up, wipe the dirt off me, the new color scheme I went with is black, red and white. Not that uncommon, but I now have bright blonde hair. But I cant change my face, no one can. "KAYABA!" I yell at the bottom of floor thirteen, I get no response, how could I have been so stupid, now all my party mates are gone.
I wanted to get to know them all, but one is dead, I look at the edge of the world, it's a good five minutes from me if I run. No I can't I shouldn't. Why would I kill myself, I need to be here for my family. I continue to look for a dungeon, I pull out my rapier, a black rapier I had done customly. More monsters come, I send a flurry of thrust their ways. Spider type mobs, they surround me, the more I kill ten more replace it.
Shit, so my experience got me to floor twelve. I drop my rapeir, and let the spiders, take me. Three point five seconds until I see the final words of my life....
Game over.... You are dead. My body glows, and explodes into a cloud of polygons
Mom, dad, big brother,... sister I'm sorry
I'm so sorry, I couldn't come home.

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