The lovely lady of hokaido finds herself in a new environment, will it end with her in the arms of her family, or dead. Meeting a new mysterious girl, a player of sorts. A new face is to take the throne and leave sao. This is life or death a new dar...
It's been a few weeks since I met Owl, I did some quests, and floor 3 was cleared by the frontlines, including the "beater" and his group, I believe I dont know, I never cared, but I had something interesting happen. While setting up my mat on the floor iv main city, I had my first client, in a long time. A man in a black coat his silver hair shown in the sunlight, his emerald eyes looked into mine. "Hello sir what would you like?" I ask, with that he gives me his blade it was heavy, "add sharpness please," he quietly asks. I receive the materials, then I put them in the furnace, having done that the sword enters next. I wait for the timer, the ring invades our ears, I put the sword on the anvil, one strike, two strikes, seventeen strikes, forty strikes, finally one thousand strikes. I rise up and give the man his blade, he subtly says thank you. He quickly slams his hand on the wall to my right shoulder, my raspberry eyes meet his, "Your ears?" "My, ears?!" "Yes," I look at him some more, he had notices my elongated ears. I stare, to suddenly see his frown disappear into a grin only an ass would make. My reaction was to kick him in the shin, to which he responded by falling and cradling his leg. "Why'd you do that!?" "Because you did that!" The boy gets up while nursing his left leg, I forgot he was taller then me, "shadow!" Called a female's voice, "we heard you yell!" "I'm fine crimson!" "Oh?" The girl who came running stops to look at me, she was now confused. "She kicked me," shadow says,...wait shadow? The best player in sao, Even in the beta, sure I only logged in on the last day, but even then I heard how good shadow was. My eyes are now locked on this man with silver hair. I kicked the best player in sao I kicked the best player in sao I kicked the best player in sao Shit "I'm sorry sir!!!!" I scream, now it's his turn to be in utter confusion. Then his face goes to disappointment, "just because I'm a beater.." he starts to say. "No I've heard how good of a player you are, and I've always wanted to meet you," I say cutting him off, I didn't notice the rest of his group enter. "So you have a crush on him?" Another male voice suggests. "What? Hell no," I say sternly, the blondie in white armor just bursts into a fit of laughter. "Well I'm flattered? Anyway," shadow starts off, then points to my ears again, I guess I'll have to explain that then. "A few days ago while doing the dark elf campaign I found a mushroom, and some glowing algae substance, my party member Owl, told me that those two things made a nice tea, so I did, and welp me ears elongated," I confess. Shadow looks at me with a look, of surprise, then at my armor, he examines. After that fiasco, I tear down shop, and stalk them, uh I mean follow them until I lose them, and just head back to my inn. When I enter my now new home it, was as if it was entered. "Hello," A sinister voice says behind me, I try to turn but I'm instantly knocked down, I scream, punch, push, but this avatar has a higher strength setting. Being a week agi/str/dex build, I still struggle until, they finally pin my chin to the floor. "Let me introduce myself, I'm PoH, we may need a person like you, I'm leader of a small guild called, the laughing coffin, I hear you can make traps. Right?" The man says while looking in my eyes, it unsettles me. I nodded or attempt to. PoH then chuckles. "Show me her shoulder" PoH commands hislackey, while closing the door ,before ripping my dark elven armor, it decintegrats showing my black undergarments. The lacky holds my creamy brown skinned arms to PoH, while hes sifting through his inventory, finnaly pulling out a rod, with the symbol of a coffin with a skeletal arm peeking out, and a gruesome face. The tip is also,...GLOWING? "No,no no no!"I scream out for help, but the lacky post his gloved hand on my mouth, silencing me, and the glowing symbol hits my virtual skin, the entering system of the nerve gear wasnt lying when we could feel, and I felt so much burning pain. My screams of pain only muffled by the lacky. Finally he let me go. My mind racing with pain, thoughts, words, and colors. My hedge,? My head felt light. "Hope to do business with you Galaxy811," Poh says while he lifts me up and puts me in my inn's bed, to only let me see, that symbol. They both leave me to pass out from the pain.....
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