is this a war?

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I can explain, this is the war that nightshade started, I was dragged in. Lind asks me question furiously, and I cant keep up. I'm trying to get through the game and go home.

I look out of the meeting hall, o forgot what floor we are on, but early twenties for sure, I take a sigh of boredom. "Twilight!" Kibou calls for me. He looks pisses, but the other guild leaders, they keep him from going all crazy on me. "Yes what is it kibou?" I ask politely, he looks at me "your good to go," he says while waving his hand in my face, I look at AI, then I walk out. Exiting that room, in like five days was refreshing, I walk to the end of the hall and down the stairs. I grab some bread on the way out. Munching on the bread is refreshing, as well.

Until I run into Arthrea, she looks at me. "I need your help, come," I look at her then follow. The more and more I follow the louder the metal, stone, wood what ever meet in clashes of attacks. I look around me noting the decrepeded forest, it was a little run down.
"There she is," Arthrea shouts as she runs towards nightshade, but the run wasnt for an attack, but to block an incoming arrow. I look at the projectile ram it's way into Arthrea, I notice nightshade, she is pissed.

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