banquet of a black knight

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Laughing coffin, ugh, to think this banquet was a dance, no not even a ball. It's a lure, for the rest of the scum, but if that doesnt work. A dance is what this sao banquet is, I wear a dark suit with a soilder jacket, and hat. I know it takes away my femininity, but I prefer it. I watch as all the guests arive, Hell comes to me, her dress is demonic kinda, but it's pretty, I can tell she made it. It's hard to make party wear in a fantasy based game, that is ment to kill things.

The guild that were invited were coming, the dkb, als, moljnir, and the kob, the new big shots of sao. Heath cliff, the leader came up to me, since I'm the leader of the black dragon order. We strike up conversations and such.
"Wow nice dance that's set up here"
"Thank you, we bought this land very simply, killing murders makes you rich"
"That's true, and morbid"
I look at heathcliff, and nod. He wasn't lying. Maybe no laughing coffin, and I cant just relax. No you need to stay alert, you must protect every.
"Hello my dear,"

I turn  to that voice, and the only person I would want to see here, PoH. I relax for one minute. I begin to call out, but PoH covers my mouth and puts me in, and him.
"Get your hands off me," I sternly say, pulling my arm away. "Listen knightshade,I suggests this war, it isnt worth it,"  he said. I look into his eyes, "oh why is that?" I ask
"You'll never win,"
"Fuck you,"
"Ok see you tommarow nightshade"
And like that he was gone, PoH, I'm coming to kill your ass.

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