Chapter three

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Its been three weeks since that party incident happened but Becky wasn't her old self anymore.

I felt like she was avoiding me,she doesn't have lunch with me anymore at school,she hardly visit me anymore,my brother was worried too,I still haven't told him what had happened to Becky,he kept begging me but I refused to tell him.

I waited for Becky at her locker like usual,but immediately she saw me,she ran.

What the fuck

I ran after her,but me being bad at sport,she ran faster than me,I lost her.

Great,I thought.

I tried looking around for her but its like she just disappeared, I sigh and went back to prepare for class.

Immediately I turned,my head hit a chest.

I looked up to see someone who looked familiar.

Sorry,I mummer.

Anna,the person asked.

How do you know my name,I asked.

Ruby,he said smirking.

And then it hit me like a block,the guy that helped me that night of the party.

Hey,I didn't recognized you from that nice jacket you are wearing today,I said almost face palming myself for saying something so stupid.

He looked at me and started laughing.

I couldn't help but laugh too.

Do you want to come over to my place today,he said nervously.

I haven't been to a Guy's house before because Dan never let me go but Ruby seem nice.

Okay,I smiled.

Great,see you after class,he jogged leaving me behind.

I looked around if I could see Becky anywhere but I couldn't find her,I sigh as I walked to class.

Becky POV

Have been avoiding Anna,I didn't know why but I felt disgusted with myself, I had taken a pregnancy test to be sure I was pregnant and it turned out positive.

What am I going to do now,I can't keep hiding forever, I will have to tell her soon,but I wasn't ready now.

I came to school feeling so tired and lazy,I slowly made my way to my locker but I stopped when I saw Anna beside my locker,she was waiting for me like usual.

I didn't know what to do,but my legs started moving on its own,I started running.

Anna looked surprised but soon after started running after me.

I ran and hid myself in a corner.

Anna stopped running and from the looks on her face she was hurt that I had run away from her.

I felt bad.

She looked around,she still couldn't find me,she sigh and was about leaving when her face meet with someone chest.

I tried to see who it was and saw that it was ruby the person Sam likes to hang out with,Sam was the boy who rapped me.

I felt my self becoming angry,but Anna was talking with him like they had known each other for a long time,I was slightly jealous.

I tried to listen to their conversation and ruby was asking her to come over to his place.

I was surprised when Anna said okay.

Oh God,ruby and Sam are nothing but bad news they have another of their friend who likes to hang out with them Jason, I think.

I suddenly remembered that I had seen ruby that day when Sam raped me,he was smiling at me while giving Sam a thumbs up.

He told Sam something that involved Anna but I was too weak to listen to them.

I needed to warn Anna.

I looked at Anna who was still looking around to find me but she gave up and left.

I pulled myself out of my hiding place.

I need to talk to Anna as fast as possible.




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