Chapter seven

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What do you think you were doing going to that bastard house,my brother yelled at me.

We went to visit Jason,I yelled back really angry now.

I have told you severe times that I don't want to see you with that bastard, Dan yelled really loud this time.

You don't own me Dan,I can be friends with who ever I want,I cried.

Friends?, you think I don't know you like him and he likes you,I'm not blind Anna,he his bad news,see what happened to Becky because of him,you don't really have eyes Anna,its like your eyes got suck in that tiny brain of yours,Dan screamed at me.

I was taken aback by his comment, I was hurt,why would he say something like that,I knew he was angry but he couldn't have said that to me,I could feel the hot tears running down my cheeks.

Anna I'm s...I stopped him before he could continue.

No,you are right,its all my fault, I almost got my best friend killed, I'm the one to blame,I cried.

I ran into my room before he could say anything else's.


I didn't mean to say those things to her,I was really pissed off.

I ran my hands through my hair,I hate seeing my sister cry and right now I don't think she wants to talk to me.

I sigh as I made my way to my room,Becky was staying with me for now until I'm able to deal with that Sam.

I opened my door to find Becky still asleep,she looks so peaceful in her sleep,I didn't want to disturb her.

I slept close to her as I place my hand around her waist.

I could get use to this,i smiled.

Anna POV

I don't want to talk with my brother right now, why would he say something so mean to me.

I sat crossed leg on my bed as I thought of a way to talk to Jason.

I saw the way Sam had hit his eye,I want to make sure he his okay.

The nervous of that bastard hitting on my friends.

But why does he care about Becky pregnancy, if he did care why did he slap Becky.

I was having headache now from too much thinking.

I wonder how Jason is doing now.

I took my phone to call him,after two rings he finally spoke up.

Hey,how are you doing,I'm sorry about Sam,I said quickly as he pick the call.

I'm fine Anna,how is Becky,he asked.

She is fine,Dan is taking care of her,I sigh.

I'm so sorry about what happened and I know Dan is really angry at me right now,he chuckled.

You could say that again,I laughed trying to lighten the mood.

Can we meet please,Jason begged.

I needed to talk to him anyway.

Okay,meet me behind the school building,I said before cutting the call.

I quickly took my purse, I looked at the mirror,my hair was a mess but I didn't care.

I slowly opened the door to check if my brother was in sight, I sigh as I noticed he was in his room sleeping.

I quietly open the door running towards my school, it was a 15 minutes walk so I will be there in time before Jason comes.

I looked around to see if anybody was around before I made my way inside the school.

I was shocked to see Jason sitting on one of the benches in the field.

Hey,I called out to him.

He quickly turned to look at me with a beautiful smile on his face.

Hi,he smiled.

I sat close to him as we both sat down to our own thoughts.

So what are we going to do now,I asked breaking the silence between us.

I don't know,Jason sigh.

I sigh as I went back to my thoughts.

Does your brother hate me,he looked at me nervously.

No,he just hate the fact that you are friends with Sam and he doesn't trust you because he thinks you are going to hurt me,I said.

I will never hurt you Anna, I promise to protect you with my life,he breathed holding my hands.

I was overwhelmed with his statement.

He was going to protect me with his life.

I lend closer to him resting my head on his shoulder.

We stayed in that position just enjoying the comfortable silence between us.

Jason POV

I wanted so much to kiss her right now,when she Lend on my shoulder I felt so many sparks.

What was happening to me?

I was still debating on if I should tell her or not.

Anna,I called her softly.

Um,she replied looking up to meet my eyes.

I let my hand travel through her hair,she smiled at me.

I like you,I said before I could stop myself.

She slowly got up.

Now she is going to hate you,my brain screamed at me.

You don't have to like me back,I continued, because of your brother and Becky, but I really like you and I don't want to lose you,I said nervously.

I looked at her as she was still looking at me with a blank expression on her face.

Please say something,I begged.

She hugged me before I could process what was happening.

We stay like that and my heart beat was fast as crazy, I hoped she can't hear it.

She slowly let go off me and smiled happily at me.

I like you too Jason,she said smiling at me.

I was over joyed that I kissed her before I could stop myself.

She kissed me back almost immediately as if she knew I was going to kiss her.

I rested my head on hers as she looked at me with so many emotions in her eyes.

I knew that her brother dislike me because of Sam and ruby but I'm going to prove to him that I'm different from Sam.

I'm going to win his trust and Anna's love.




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