Chapter sixteen

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What do you mean Sam escaped,I yelled at the man standing in front of me.

We don't know sir,he had escaped through the help of a guy named ruby,he said nervously.

Ruby?,those bastard,I yelled as I slammed my fist on the table.

Just then Becky came crying inside my office.

What's wrong,I ran to hug her.

Kyle, I can't find him,my boss had delayed me at work today so I couldn't pick him up at school early,when I got to his school,someone told me he saw kyle entering a black car with a man,she cried more hugging me tight.

A man,could that be Sam, I thought.

Why is there a police in the house,she said looking at the police man with red eyes due from too much crying.

Sam escaped from prison with the help of ruby,I said with a scowl.

Could he be the one who took kyle,she asked ready to burst into tears.

We don't know for now,but I'm sure,I said.

Oh God,why now,she cried.

I patted her back hoping to calm her down.

We are going to find him,I assured her.

I turned to the police who was still looking at us with pity.

What you still doing here,I snapped at him,go find my son and don't stop until you know his whereabout.

He nodded quickly leaving the room.

I turned to look at Becky who has stopped crying now,but I knew she was thinking deeply.

We are going to find him,I told her for the second time.

I'm worried about him but I trust kyle,he his brave but we have to find him as soon as possible,she said with determination.

I know,I know

Meanwhile kyle was still locked up in that dirty room,Sam or ruby only open it up whenever they want to give him food,he hasn't received any cruel treatment except when he was going against Sam temper.

Kyle didn't cry in front of Sam or ruby but whenever he was in the room alone,he always prays that they find him soon and he believes that they were going to find him.

Kyle POV

I don't like this room,I complained.

We will get it fix,ruby scratched the back of his head.

How is Anna,he asked.

You mean,my aunt Anna,I asked him.

Yeah,he laughed.

She's fine,I told him.

He nodded as he placed the food in front of me before closing the door.

I sigh as I began to eat the food,I hardly leave this room and its really boring.

I finished eating and sat on the small bed crossing my legs.

I need to do something to make my daddy find me quickly.

Then I had a great idea.

Ruby,open up,I scream as I continued hitting the door.

Soon enough the door opened to reveal an angry Sam.

How many times have I warned you not to wake me up,Sam drag me roughly by the hand.

I'm bored,please give me your phone,I begged.

He looked at me before giving me his phone.

Don't do anything little one,he said coldly before closing the door again.

Good thing I had memorized my mummy's number in case of emergency.

I thought about calling her but what if Sam or ruby hears me when I'm talking with my mummy.

So I decided to send her a message.

Mummy help me,kyle, I typed as I allowed the message to send.

When i knew it had sent,I quickly deleted it before anybody could see it.

Just as I deleted it,Sam came inside the room taking the phone from my hands,he looked through it,since he couldn't find anything,he left the room.

That was close,I thought.

Now I'm going to wait for mummy and daddy to save me,I smiled.




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