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21. Whenever they shake hands with someone say that they've just made an unbreakable vow.

22. Be sure to remind them not to break the vow.

23. Buy a blue Ford Angela just because the Weaslys have one.

24. Lock yourself in a bathroom and moan loudly about your death.

25. Dye their eyebrows a bright yellow while they're asleep.

26. While climbing stairs stop and say you have to wait for them to stop moving or that your foot got stuck in the fake one.

27. Poke them with a wand or stick reciting spells.

28. Say a random fact when they ask how you know that say, "Honestly, don't you read?" in a Hermione-ish voice. 

29. Tell them your friends are coming over and not to block the fireplace.

30. Look at the window impatiently when they ask why say you're waiting for the post.

110 Ways To Annoy Non Harry Potter FansWhere stories live. Discover now