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101. Throw a handful of sand into their fireplace and yell, "Diagon Alley!"

102. Tell them your phone number is 62442.

103. Change your hair (color or style or both) every time you see them and insist that you're a metamorphamagus.

104. Complain that your pictures don't move.

105. Sing The Sorting Hat's songs.

106. When they change the channel ask if you can see the Quidditch scores.

107. Say alohamora every time you open a door.

108. Ask them to help you study for your O.W.L.'s.

109. And your N.E.W.T.'s.

110. End every conversation with "Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!"

110 Ways To Annoy Non Harry Potter FansWhere stories live. Discover now