Chapter One-Usual Plans

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"I'm sick," I heard someone shout from behind me.

"I'm sick and I can't be cured with your nonexistent love and affection." I turned to see three figures closest to the train stations bathrooms.  One male, taller than me with red hair and red eyes. Maybe the same age as me.  The other two were both an older couple with red hair and eyes but a little darker.  Looking a lot like the younger male.  He most likely was their son, or at least nephew.  

"You act like all these hospital visits are going to help me.  But I swear it only makes me lose more and more hope for survival.  I can't play make believe and pretend that this is actually working," The younger one said.  I know it's considered rude to eavesdrop but it's not like he is trying to stay quiet.  

"You're making a scene. We'll finish this conversation later," the women said, grabbing onto the younger males arm.   Who, in response, pulled his arm back and took a few steps backwards. 

"When is later? The hospital room? The next hospital? When and where do we have time to talk, mother? There is no later.  It's now," he said, pausing and looking at the ground.  Taking a deep breathe in and looking back at her, "or never." All three seemed to stop.  The tension spreading out from them, to me and the others around who awkwardly heard them talking.  Soon, the younger boy seemed to shake his head and walk away.  To the way I was standing.

He must not have seen me as he passed, because he literally bumped right into me and almost knocked me over. He caught me, but before either of us could say anything, the next train came in to drop off and pick up anyone heading to the city.  The way I was going.  I smiled softly at him before scooting pass him and into the open doors.  I could still feel him staring at me, only making me more self-conscious.  Was something on me? Did I do something weird? 

As the train sped off, I had only two thing in mind.  The red haired boy, and this illness he has that's so incurable. 

.  .  .

My life is easy.  I wake up at five in the morning.  I do my usual morning jog until six. Which is when I eat my usual breakfast (a smoothie and a yogurt).  Then I do my actual exercising until seven, take a shower and get ready for the hospital by seven-thirty, and leave the house to walk to the train station and usually get to the hospital around eight-forty. Which then, I work my butt off until ten, take a break, and work more.  Usually leaving  at three or four, depending on the day, which gives me time to shop, cook, and prepare for the next day.  Nothing fun or exciting.  I like to play things safe and easy.  Always going by a plan, never just winging it.  Which is why today's event has me really thinking.  That red haired boy.. What's his deal?

.  .  .

I arrived at the hospital without a delay.  My mind elsewhere as I checked in with the usual patients.  I started my shift as soon as I walked in the doors, the first hour passing by without any problems.  I just had to check up on a new patient. Someone named Karma Akabane. 

As I walked down to the room he was currently occupying, I ran into someone strangely familiar. 

"Oh sh-, I'm so sorry," They mumbled out while helping me pick up the files I dropped about the new patients.  I looked closely at him and as I previously thought, I did know him.  He was the the gentleman from the train station.  The father of the red-head. 

"It's fine," I managed to get out before the male walked away. I continued to walk down the hallway and stood in front of door 310.  Thinking, hoping, that seeing the males father was just a coincidence.  There was no way that male was Karma Akabane.  There was no way. 

I slowly opened the door and there, right behind it, was the boy I didn't want to see.  The red haired boy, Karma Akabane, who I knew, somehow,  was going to change my like and my plan.  More than I would ever want..

.  .  .

My "Incurable" Flowers (Nagisa x Karma)Where stories live. Discover now