Chapter Six- Results

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After a few hours, Nagisa left and I was left alone to think about everything we said.  After we talked about our past, we went on to lighter topics. Like what our favorite color was and why he smelled so much like lavender.  Apparently, it's the lotion he uses. He asked me if he should change it since it was so strong, but honestly, I kinda enjoy smelling lavender when laying with him.  It helps me imagine we are anywhere but here.. In a  hospital.  

.  .  .  

I fell asleep after one of the doctors gave me a some type of medicine meant to ease the pain in my lungs.  It didn't do much but it stopped the pain until I was fully asleep.  I'm supposed to have another check up in the morning, but I'm not sure much has changed. It feels the same.  But, when Nagisa was laying next to me, I felt a lot calmer. 

.  .  .

I woke at seven with a knock from the door. It was harder than Nagisa's so it couldn't have been him.  My mother and father never knocked, regardless of how many times I ask. Which meant it had to be the hospital staff. Which, I didn't even think they knew how to knock.

I stood up and quickly fixed my outfit.  I don't care if this might be the last time they see me, I need to look presentable.

Behind the door stood an older nurse with gray hair running through her ponytail.  She was shorter than me and looked more serious that all my teachers combined.  Which is saying a lot since they had to deal with kids for most of their life. 

"You'll be having your check up at two.  Don't eat anything large before the check up.  Pudding and fruits, like grapes, are allowed.  This is just encase you get sick and need to throw up. I rather you do it somewhere else then on my shoes," she said while handing me a small container of grapes and a fake cup with orange juice.

I smiled and allowed the door to close as she walked away.  This appointment might just be my last if nothing has changed.. But, if their is still hope, this might just be one of many. 

.  .  .

My appointment came and I followed the older nurse from before.  She told me I was going to be getting another lung scan. Like last time, it would be somewhat quick and painless. I just had to cooperate, which wouldn't be so hard for me since I'm used things like this.  And it's not like I'm still a child. 

.  .  .

I was told to go back to my room after the scan was over. It had taken more time than I thought it would but they said they had to take pictures before they were able to tell me anything.  They wanted the higher ups to be the first to tell me if anything changed or if.. If I was the same as before. 

.  .  .

It took a few hours but before long there was another knock at my door.  This time it was one I recognized. I pushed back my hair and looked down at my outfit.  Comfortable .  Normal. Just what he would like.  Before opening the door I switched the lights back to blue and red.  My phone rang.  A new text message.  I check it.  A text from "My Blueberry💕". Nagisa. He was at the door, waiting for me. 

I smiled and set my phone down.  The results would be in soon and I wanted Nagisa there for me when I received the results.  Good or bad, he had to be there.

My "Incurable" Flowers (Nagisa x Karma)Where stories live. Discover now