Chapter Three-Framed Scenery

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After I left Karma's room, I did my usual. Talked to all the other patients, checked in with the other nurses and volunteers to make sure there was no problems, restocked rooms, read certain files, and organized papers. The hospital I work at is not like the hospitals in most towns.  We mostly work with illnesses without cures, that no one really knows much about, that came out of no where, or not many people have. There are not many hospitals like us. Which is why we have a lot of patients.  And not normal ones.  People come in with branches growing out of them, animal ears, plain white eyes yet they can still see perfectly, thorns on the tips of their fingers, and so much more things that can't be explained..

So why is Karma here..? And does he know?

We usually try to keep it a secret from the people on the outside.  Make it seem like a rich hospital that very few can enter.  It's better for our patients privacy.  We want them to feel safe and to actually be safe. Usually, when we hear of special cases, like someone with leaves for hair,  we send out a "helper" and they bring them to the hospital to see what we can do for them.

Was Karma brought here freely or forced?

By the way he acted, I don't think he knows fully what happens in this hospital.

Am I supposed to explain it to him? That's not part of my job. Plus, I don't even know him. 

What to do..

.  .  .

I was sitting at the nurse's station, a few days after Karma came to the hospital, when I see a familiar red hair male walk pass me to the front door. I was going to stop him, since he's obviously not allowed to just walk out of the hospital, when he suddenly turned around when two people with a few boxes walked in the hospital.  One was a green haired girl and the other was a darker blonde.  All three seem to rush from the front door to the stairs and most likely up to his room. 

I was planning to follow after them, to see what was going on and who they were, but I figured that would seem creepy.  So, I sat back down in my chair and waited.

And waited..

And waited..

Until an hour passed and it was finally time for my break.  I quickly stood up and rushed to the elevator. Pushing on the button for floor four, and anxiously waited.  As the elevator neared its stop, I wondered what I was going to say to be able to get into the room..

.  .  .

As I stood in front of the door, I took a deep breathe in before reaching up to knock. 

One knock.

Then two. 

I took three steps back and pushed up against the wall.  Soon, the blonde from before opened the door just a tiny bit.  She looked at me, blinked, and quickly closed the door.

After a few awkward seconds, the door opened again and out popped Karma. He smiled at me and closed the door behind him.  "Did you need something?" He said with a smug smile. 

 I shake my head and look down at the ground.  "I was just making sure you brought in family friendly items.  Stuff allowed in the hospital."

My "Incurable" Flowers (Nagisa x Karma)Where stories live. Discover now