Chapter Five- A Twig

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As I listened to his story, I tried to imagine the pain his family and he, himself, went through.  It's so hard to even think about.  At some point, I try to imagine my own mother and father going crazy over me, and I teared up a bit.  It was hard to imagine. I couldn't see them like that and still be able to be happy.  It must have been hard for him.

I scooted closer and leaned on him. He stiffened under my touch before relaxing and wrapping his arm around me. 

"I don't know a thing about you, Nagisa. Tell me your story since I told you mine,"Karma said while kissing my forehead.  I could feel myself relaxing under his touch while, for the first time in a long time, I told my story. 

"Maybe I should start talking about where it all began?




When I was younger, maybe around six years old, I had dressed up like a girl. Well, more like I was forced to by my mother who wanted a girl. My father ignored it, tried to fight her about it sometimes, but always lost those fights. Before long, he finally left.  Maybe when I was seven? I still see him sometimes. He usually ask about my mother, if she is still the same. She is.

When I was around ten, I didn't want to act like a girl anymore. I wanted to act and just be myself.  I started fighting and arguing with my mother about it.  She allowed me to think I was a boy.  Yet I still had long "female" like hair and my outfits were more on the feminine side but now people saw me as more male than female.  It was better.

I was like that until I was thirteen when I developed my own strange illness.

My body would go numb at random times, I would freeze up, see weird things, and sometimes my eyes would change colors.  After a year of this happening, my mother finally took me to my first hospital.  Which is where I met a helper who told me about the hospital that I work at now.  That they could help me more than any other (normal) hospital could. So, I left with them. My mother stayed behind to do.. who knows what.  I didn't question her.  I didn't care.

When I first entered the building, my eyes were, apparently, completely white.  A lot of the nurses stared, a few of the other guest snickered, but I met some people who were like me.   Who had the same symptoms as me.  I only met two, but that was a lot more than some people who are patients here.  Doctors said that it would end soon, my eyes would keep changing and I would still see weird things at times, but I won't faint or suddenly become numb.  I had to just wait. So, I was at the hospital for a couple of years until I was seventeen. I helped a lot of the younger patients and nurses with certain things.  After a while, I realized I wanted to work there as well.  Since it's a secret hospital, almost all the nurses have had some type of weird illness before or still do.  I can't tell you how we become nurses or volunteers, since only people who really have the skills are allowed to know. But I can tell you, it wasn't easy. 

At the age twenty-two, I finally became a nurse.  I'm now twenty-four and have only worked here for two years, but I've been here for eight years and I love it." When I stopped talking, I could feel him petting my hair gently. It was nice.. I felt calmer than before. 

"I'm glad you found your happiness," Karma mumbled into my ear. I shuddered and smiled. 

"You can find it too. Here everyone, almost everyone, finds some type of happiness," I said while turning to him. He laughed softly and pulled me closer to him. I was sitting on his lap, facing him. Both my legs on either side of his. 

"I think I already found mine. I just have to find some way to keep it," He said, once again stroking my hair gently. 

I looked into his head and cocked my head to the side. "really?"


"What did you find?"

He laughed softly. "Hmm.. I guess you'll find out later."

"Eh.." I mumbled while moving softly back and forth, trying to get comfortable. 

He chuckled and pulled me closer as he fell back on the bed, me being on top of his chest now. 

"Just don't move too much or you'll fall off and break something."

"I'm stronger than that!"

"You're practically a twig." 

''Hmph," I sighed while turning away from him and relaxing against his chest.. It wasn't so bad there..

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