Chapter 5

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I don't know how long I've been sitting here for but my head throbs. I need to go to bed. I move to blow out the candle when I hear a noise. The sound of the back door opening. I bite back a curse and blow out the candle. Grabbing my knife I creep over to the back door, careful not to trip over anything. The door opens and I lunge at the figure in the doorway.
"No!" He screams and I just have time to stop, my blade hovering an inch away from his chest. Through the gleam of moonlight in the night sky I can now make out who the man is. I grab him by the arm and drag him inside, shutting the door firmly behind him. He stumbles and sits down on one of the chairs at the table.
"What the hell do you think your doing, scaring me half to death? If I hadn't seen you when I did I would have murdered my own father!" I hiss at him, furious that he was so stupid.
"Well if I come through the front door every Rat in this area would be at our house in a matter of seconds," he snaps back. I don't reply.
"Now can I have my hug?" He asks softly and all the anger melts away. I haven't seen him for four months and I can't waste the little time I have with him being mad. He pulls me in close, so close I can feel his heart beat. His body fills me with warmth and I realise just how much I have missed him, how much I longed for his embrace. Reluctantly I let go of my dad and pull away, curious to see how he has been these last four months.
His dark hair, usually so neat and combed back, is dirty and hangs limply around his collar like skinny dreadlocks. His blue eyes are sunken and hollow, with dark rings around them, like he hasn't had enough sleep. His usual grey, formal suit has been replaced by a dark blue track suit, which reaks from a mile away. He pushes his thick-rimmed glasses further up his nose, heat flooding his cheeks. I look away, not wanting to make him feel any more embarrassed.
"What happened to you?" I ask finally, knowing he would never look like that if he could help it. Dad always tries to look his best.
"Nothing," he says quickly. Then he relents a bit, "Just having a rough time at work." I'm about to ask him further questions but then I remember what I really need to ask him.
"Do you know about the war?" His eyes go cold and he grips my arm, fingernails digging into my skin. He scans my face, grip so tight it hurts.
"Tell me what you know," he says quickly, just like Ryan. I realise agian just how alike they are. Maybe dad knows more than I do about this war and he can tell me something else, like why the government can be so cruel or why they need so much money. Well, there's only one way to find out.
I tell him the basics of what I know, leaving out unimportant details, tired of telling it over and over agian. I hate repeating myself. If I have to tell one more person agian, they will become targets for my knife throwing practise! He is silent a long for a long after I finish speaking. He shuts his eyes and his face tightens, as if he is considering two options... or deciding if he is going to tell me something. I sigh inwardly, frustrated that I know so little when I want to know so much.
"We have been worried about this happening for a long time. Though we did not expect it to come so soon. For years we have been suspicious that something was going on but never had enough evidence, enough proof." He says finally, eyes still shut and voice quiet. I'm not even sure he is talking to me.
"What do you mean? Who is 'we'? What evid-" he holds up a hand to cut my questions short. He opens his eyes and runs a hand down his face before speaking.
"I work against the government," he says slowly, " and last year my cooperation and I suspected they were planning something. I flew overseas to go meet with some fellow colleges who were also working on this case. It was too dangerous to meet here.
"Five weeks ago we got a break through and found out what you were told today. That is what they had been planning for so long and this was a massive inside discovery. I flew back as soon as I could to meet up with Elizabeth, who told me what had been happening here and-"
"Wait! Mother works for the government. What are you talking about?" My headache has gotten worse and I grab the chair near me to keep from passing out. This is the wierdest day ever.
"Kyra," he says heavily, forcing me to look into his eyes, "we couldn't tell you earlier, it was too dangerous. If they found out you knew... take you away... wasn't born here..."
What? He is just rambling random things now, staring off into space like he I don't exist. What does he mean take us away? All of us? And 'wasn't born here,' what does that mean? What does he and mother do that is so dangerous? I grab his shoulders to shake him out of his trance. His eyes lock onto mine, searching my face like I am the one with answers. I gently release his shoulders with shaking hands, sure that I am about to get bad news.
He takes a deep breath. "Your mother and I are spies."

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