Chapter 29

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I walk through the darkening streets thinking about Elijah. I can't believe I have my brother back. I hope one day Jay and Izzy can meet him.

I walk a little faster, wanting to get out of the street as soon as possible. I'm still wearing the blue shirt and white sneakers, so I feel so exposed, vulnerable.

I reach the small house and let myself inside. I go into the kitchen, humming that Butterfly song to myself. I see something move and I scream.

"Hold on, hold on! It's just me." An annoyingly high pitched voice calls out to me. Fanny.

"What the hell are you doing in my house?!" I say to her as she moves into the light, slightly embarrassed I screamed like a little girl.

"Well, you haven't been at school the last few days and I thought I would drop by to tell you the news. Why haven't you been at school anyway?" She drawls. My mind goes through a thousand excuses and I settle with the most believable one.

"I have been sick. Just recovered." I say. She looks at me sympathetically and nods her head.

"Oh you poor thing! It is oh so tragic when one falls ill." I suppress the urge to roll my eyes and instead nod earnestly.

"So. Well, did you know that some random saddo committed suicide? I mean, like, who does that? Pathetic much!" I raise an eyebrow and bite my tongue. I resist the urge to yell at the stupid brat, but only just.

"Who do they think it is?" I ask innocently instead. I might as well make her surprise visit worthwhile.

"I dunno. Some drunk twenty-three year old who was probably dumped on her sorry butt again." She says carelessly, twirling her hair around one finger. My hands clench into fists but I force them to release. I take a deep breath. Stay calm, it's almost over.

"Okay. That's great. I'm sure your right. I have... some homework to catch up on, so I'm so sorry, but you are going to have to leave." I smile sweetly and put what I hope is a sympathetic look in my eyes. She says she understands and walks to the door. I wait till I hear it shut and I let out a sigh of relief. Gosh, I hate her.

I sigh and sit on a chair. The silence fills me, both relaxing and saddening. My little brother and sister are really gone. I'm all alone now. I finger the necklace Elijah gave me; a crimson-red gem stone threaded onto a chain of leather. He told me it's a sign of war, danger, strength, determination, passion and love. He told me to remember it and be reminded of who and what is important to me.

I rub it between my forefinger and thumb. It feels like this war is ending, that everything will be okay now because Izzy and Jay are safe. But I have a terrible feeling that it's not over yet. And will not be over any time soon.

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